Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 the proliferation of technical manuals over the last twenty years has meant that the number of manuals supplied with complex aircraft/systems has increased to the point where it is practically impossible to access all the information in the ‘ library ’ ( Fig. 1 shows an example of technical manual growth rate within the Naval Air Systems Command ) ;
2 The general approach adopted by the House of Lords to the weight which should be attached to the views of a child who has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision is clearly of great importance , but it is essential to bear in mind that their Lordships were concerned with the extent of parental rights over the welfare of the child .
3 Before examining the more recent developments in self-advocacy and normalisation , however , we need to consider the two approaches which have been prominent and have dominated the emergence and style of professional practice over the past 50 years : the medical and educational approaches .
4 Although the summit unanimously endorsed the declaration , one foreign minister said later : ‘ We leave Strasbourg with some sense of unfinished business over the German question . ’
5 The so-called ‘ disparity ’ is simply that pollen primarily provides an integrated record of regional vegetation over a large area , whereas macrofossils reflect strictly local patterns .
6 The main tenets of this were nationalisation of foreign concessions , expropriation of large landed estates ( although it was not specified to whom they should be transferred , an omission reflecting the ambivalent attitudes regarding the role of the peasantry , which proved one of the most controversial issues in the debates between Latin American and Soviet Marxisms ) , repudiation of the national debt , rejection of imperialist control over the economy , the fight for an eight-hour day and the ‘ stamping out of semi-slave-like conditions of labour ’ .
7 Indeed , as the path of economic development over the eighteenth century moved the composition of retained imports away from manufactured goods towards raw mat-erials , the possibility of increasing revenue without harming the productive side of the economy narrowed steadily .
8 JOHN MAJOR came under fresh pressure over Maastricht yesterday as the Labour leader , John Smith , accused the Government of unnecessary secrecy over the legal status of the controversial legislation on the treaty .
9 Some kind of garbled nonsense over the phone about something that had happened while you were robbing the place . ’
10 Is not the right hon. Gentleman 's attitude to this judgment typical of the decline in standards of political integrity over the 11 years of the regime of the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) ?
11 Instead , they have explained it in terms of political conflict over the programmes of central government ( particularly after the election of a Conservative government in 1979 ) or longer-term central-local tensions , in which the centre is concerned to minimize the pressure generated by the existence of local political autonomy .
12 The second feature of bureaucracy which has enlarged its area of political influence over the choices to be made among values , priorities and objectives , rather than merely the technical means to be employed , is the discretionary power of officials .
13 In discussions on economic and monetary union ( EMU — proceeding in parallel with those on political union ) EC Finance Ministers reached broad agreement on March 18 on the appropriate level of political control over the proposed European central bank ( Eurofed ) .
14 The rules were imposed on privatised companies in the wake of political trouble over the lucrative sale of undervalued assets like British Aerospace 's disposal of Royal Ordnance factories which had been in the public sector for centuries .
15 The revision of liturgical texts over the last thirty years has brought both problems and opportunities .
16 A list that sets out the items carefully in red ink , a thin trail of watery blood over the paper .
17 The action is set in a south London council flat of hideous squalor over the Easter weekend of 1990 , and it begins with a young man effing and blinding in a crescendo of impotent , inarticulate fury , before picking up a television and hurling it across the room .
18 The current valuation of the collection , made by a team of Spanish experts over the past six years , is considered to be well below the market value of the works .
19 It can either form a thin , skin-like layer of solid lava over the liquid , rather like the skin that develops on custard or boiled milk , or else it develops a rather thick , rubbly surface layer consisting of loose blocks of solidified lava .
20 Frederica gagged on hers , nauseated by a memory of the foundering black body as the life left the legs , of the crawling sheet of sticky blood over the shoulder under the pics , of trailing hooves and horns dragged over sawdust .
21 A second survey was undertaken to establish the level of loss of requested items over a six month period .
22 In fact , a great many of the most important decisions by British Governments have been introduced without any prior leave by the electorate as has been the case with respect to the repeal of the Corn Laws , 1846 , the passing of the Trades Disputes Act , 1927 , the departure from the Gold Standard in 1931 , the decision by the post-war Labour Government to opt for a nuclear-defence policy , the decision to apply for membership of the European Economic Community in 1961 , the passage of the Commonwealth Immigration Act , 1968 , as well as a host of foreign-policy matters over the years .
23 The mosaics of S. Sophia have been covered by layers of painted plaster over the centuries ; in most places it is two inches thick .
24 A better understanding of the normal physiology , developmental anatomy , and pathology of the prepuce could prevent the removal of thousands of normal foreskins over the next 20 years .
25 A threat to his position of total supremacy over the whole of the Hochhauser Season ?
26 Remember that velocity stands for the ratio of total spending over a period of time to the stock of money available .
27 The main drawback to this account is Seiji Ozawa 's seeming lack of total control over the inherent pulse : this masterpiece demands a profound appreciation of its structural unity , which is not always apparent here , beguiled the while as we are by Ms Mutter 's enthralling seductiveness .
28 This model provided a way of visualizing the pattern of morphogenetic systems over the earth 's surface during the Cainozoic and so lent itself to a clear way of integrating contemporary world zones with those of the past when ice sheets were non-existent or much less extensive .
29 It is perhaps that long-term perspective which is at the root of present-day concern over the nuclear arsenal held by the superpowers .
30 The Thames has seen its share of odd events over the years , but a Dragon Boat Race must rank alongside waterskiing commuters .
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