Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The developers hope the scheme will return Cowley to the kind of economic success it saw during its motoring heyday .
2 With a burst of terrific speed it headed out to sea .
3 Though 1660 marked the end of feudalism in its political aspect , in the sphere of private law it continued to cause many difficulties , which were not removed until 1925 .
4 For a generation of European Romantics it created the image of a nation sui generis , a natural force uncontaminated by Europe , an image consecrated by the greatest writer of nineteenth-century Spain , the novelist Galdós .
5 The party 's myopic concentration on the kind of agricultural organizations it wished to nurture for the future is also shown in the frequent reports for 1922 on the fragile co-operative network .
6 On the level of popular literature it demolished Mary Webb and Precious Bane ( Stanley Baldwin 's favourite ) .
7 Boast he occasionally might , but that was part of his childlike pride in the continued expansion of his wholesale fancy goods business ; from a weekly round of nearby villages it had grown over the years into a limited-liability company with an extensive warehouse and a solid share of the city 's and province 's retail market .
8 The area had been on the periphery of the Kandyan Kingdom , and in the early years of British rule it remained an impoverished backwater .
9 Firstly , there was some feeling that the report had tried to deal simultaneously with too many different groups of teachers and , in doing so , it had failed to get to grips with the needs of adult tutors ; by assuming that they were similar to those of part-time teachers it had failed to recognize the large managerial element in their work .
10 Listening to the debate and the old-fashioned ideas of male supremacy it unearthed , you could have been forgiven for thinking that we were still in the 16th Century .
11 By applying a strict rule of corporate personality it decided that a restriction which benefited any person other than the contracting parties was " in gross " and therefore unenforceable .
12 The norms of domestic life it set forth drew a clear ideological boundary between rational members of society and the feckless .
13 Although there was a sort of mediaeval corporation it did n't have the royal charter , and so in the end of the seventeenth century it was somewhat subverted and really there was no proper town government to speak of until the beginning of the nineteenth century with the borough commissioners and then later on with the Mayor and Corporation which was set up in 1881 .
14 He argued that though historical materialism had satisfactorily explained the forms and conditions of human reality it had never established theoretically the validity of its own existence , never shown how it constituted not just the substance of reality but its logical form as well .
15 In the high growth area of optical fibres it produced not only a new coating to protect the delicate fibres themselves but the technology for continuous [ and cheap ] ultra-violet curing during the production process .
16 In an attempt to create a government of national unity it included specialists , politically non-aligned individuals , right- and left-wing politicians ( albeit without the backing of their parties ) , and members of the armed forces .
17 And as proof in the healing power of accepted love her hands undid him , as he undid her , until , naked together , he lifted himself to enter her , and if for McAllister there was a moment of trapped fear it disappeared when she was truly his , and they were , at last , one thing , moving together in harmony in an experience quite unlike the shock and terror which she had felt with Havvie , and had always feared would happen to her if she ever made love again .
18 Actually , both garments fitted her very well , and the boater gave her the same kind of perky look it had given Annie .
19 Such manic behaviour I should have found disturbing in normal circumstances , but in my state of extreme tension it had become quite insupportable .
20 After some centuries of independent statehood it became a part of the Ottoman Empire and then came under Russian influence from the early nineteenth century .
21 In the discussion of inter-generational talk it emerged that code switching from English to Creole was relatively infrequent , and was not usually as a response to another speaker using Creole , although it sometimes was .
22 In the year of revolutionary upheaval It had seen some of its predictions fulfilled , and a movement created which , as it developed , had less and less to do with the first publication out of the underground .
23 I did not want that , but I believed that the top salary awards were so out of line with what we were proposing in the rest of the public sector that in the real world of industrial relations it made my job infinitely more difficult .
24 First on the agenda was to get the engine going , which had seized solid , but with a little persuasion and plenty of penetrating oil it became free .
25 And the failure of IBM management is that it did n't understand — and still does n't understand — the extent of the mischief the genie of open systems it let out of the bottle with the original open IBM Personal Computer , could wreak .
26 An important consequence of the introduction of mechanical clocks was that in much of western Europe it led to the adoption of the uniform hour of sixty minutes .
27 Here ‘ clinical ’ was defined in terms of a very exact shade of blue and the sense of icy coldness it evoked in contrast to almost furry browns and yellow ochres having strong earth associations .
28 Apricot really stole a march on the competition last September with a couple of new PCs it described as optimized for workgroup operation .
29 By putting pressure on the Poles and Kaszubians to Germanise themselves , it stimulated the very sense of Polish identity it had sought to suppress .
30 Although there were some routine matters , such as the issue of legal writs , where it could act on its own initiative , for any matter of permanent importance it needed a warrant for its action from the Privy Seal or the Signet : usually only the former would be sufficient .
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