Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 In particular , in spite of his attempt to avoid positing history as an a priori transcendent law , in the published first volume of the Critique he had still utilized an organicist teleological model of history which assumes that the end is already implicit in the beginning , and that history rolls forward to a determined end .
2 ( In Siegfried Wagner achieved a comparable brilliance in that Siegfried , having been splashed by the blood of the dragon he has killed , wins the ability to penetrate the hypocrisy of Mime , who is made to profess good while simultaneously revealing the real evil he intends . )
3 He made plans for , and carried out , a complete rebuilding of the cathedral church on the model of the church he had built at Caen .
4 Peacock shoved everything into a turn , straining to get a view of the airfield he had just left .
5 Christmas 1939 brought the first recognition by his superiors of the service he had performed .
6 Extraordinary as those visits were — and as warmly welcomed as he found himself in the diverse Kesparates of Yzordderrex — the city state was an autocracy of the most extreme kind , its excesses dwarfing the repressions of the country he 'd been born in .
7 He had n't expected her to make this sort of use of the opportunity he had given her .
8 Was n't it about time she put him through some of the agony he 'd caused her ?
9 They will not inquire into the adequacy of the consideration he has asked for and received .
10 He thought of the grain he 'd pinched yesterday , spilt and lost .
11 He 'd scatter some of the grain he 'd nicked , and fetch down the wire and cutters , and his books .
12 In the tradition of the Queen he has a confidence in the knowledge of duty fulfilled .
13 From the open door of the shed he had a good view of Firelight grazing and she got to know where he was and would come up to the hedge close by and wait for titbits .
14 When Howard leans on a gate , talking about the rottenness of the society he has rejected , his children are in frame as well , rather small in the background , playing tag next to his left ear .
15 In Scotland at any rate , the judge will not give any indication of the sentence he has in mind on any particular pleas , and this obviously limits the effect of bargaining .
16 She wanted to tell of the flogging he 'd had , not in far off Jamaica , but here in England , but the forbidding frown and her own instinctive suspicion of strangers kept her silent .
17 Her husband countered this on the grounds of the divorce he had been granted in Reno .
18 Since I did love my father and regretted that our busy lives had separated us , the chance to look after him , to give back some of the love he had given me , was in many ways terrifically satisfying .
19 Tom Russell spoke almost ferociously , and Belinda caught a glimpse , for the first time , of the love he had for his older sister , and the strong professional and personal commitment he had to this all-important pregnancy .
20 He finished his coffee and took the Underground back to his studio apartment in Beaufort Street , Chelsea , where he had prudently stored photocopies of the evidence he had brought out of Jeddah .
21 This is remarkable , given how little evidence he really had for his theory and how much of the evidence he had was wrong !
22 But he may also have intended to remind those present that he had come to the throne as a result of the treaty he had made with Edmund , which according to Florence of Worcester established peace , friendship and brotherhood between them .
23 The consequence of this may be , and in some cases will be , to divest a third party of title to property which since the commencement of the bankruptcy he has acquired from the bankrupt .
24 Alec Smith told vividly of the change he has found — from the days not so long ago when he was a rebel against all organised society , and cherishing hate against certain specific people .
25 Bold face : John Birt tells reporters outside Broadcasting House of the support he has received from colleagues
26 ‘ Ah , ’ said Malcolm Harris , realising , perhaps for the first time , the folly of the contract he had signed with Paul Lexington .
27 In his statement of claim the plaintiff admitted that since termination of the contract he had by reason of continuing to work within the insurance industry acted in such a way that , if the contract were still subsisting , he would have been in breach of clause 9A .
28 On that third morning , though , it had been Haynes who led out the home team , since Richards was in the press box breathing fire at Daily Express journalist James Lawton who had asked him for an explanation of the V-sign he had given to his own crowd .
29 He told her he had been thinking of the text he had just learnt , ‘ Prepare to meet thy God , ’ and perhaps he might die tonight , and he did not know if he was ready , if his sins were all forgiven …
30 In some forgotten corner of the text he had found some vague pledge that no one else had noticed .
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