Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This trend culminated in the overwhelming vote of members of the RICS at an Extraordinary General Meeting in July 1986 in favour of the removal of nearly all the restrictions on practising with limited liability , whether as a public company with outside investment or as a private company still owned by chartered surveyor shareholders .
2 The young man , whose name was Merbury , was eager and inexperienced , and took it for granted , as an honest man well might , that his story of complete and shattering victory , of the capture of so many of the active nobility of Scotland , and of a bright lustre added to the name of Percy and of England could not fail to be pleasing to his sovereign .
3 It will be aware of its master , in that it hears and smells him , and of its own exertions , in that it is awake , but it will not be aware that it recognises him , for this is of the order of tomorrow 's delayed return — a linguistic belief of which dumb brutes are incapable .
4 If you want to en try and ensure that you 're going to have a self sustained community , one hundred percent , you make sure that presumably you 've got a show case cinema with fifteen screens there , er a B and Q , erm a whole range of of facilities that nobody ever needs leave , erm erm erm er that new settlement , the reality of the real world of course is that all settlements to a greater or lesser degree , er have a relationship with other er larger scale settlements , now then let's look at the new settlement , fourteen hundred dwellings , we estimate that that is going to be of the order of around three thousand three hundred people , now that is sizeable , it is not small , it is larger than a number of the small market towns er in North Yorkshire , like Boroughbridge , Settle , it is a significant development erm erm and within it erm there will be a requirement er be a requirement for a a a primary school , it justifies that .
5 ( Microwaves are just like light waves , but with a frequency of the order of only ten thousand million waves per second . )
6 is probably of the order of about ten thousand , eleven thousand at best .
7 One of the problems of today 's eating habits is that people expect food to last over longer periods .
8 And if we were n't , if we had n't hav been , I mean that 's probably one of the problems of today I do n't know .
9 To delineate the dimensions of the problems of effectively integrating system development teams within the software production process and to examine the solutions being sought by the commercial software company which is providing research access .
10 This unfortunate man exemplifies many of the problems of mentally disordered offenders .
11 Communications can certainly solve most of the problems of apparently incompatible systems , given a little effort .
12 In the 1960s , cloze procedure came to be seen by some researchers as the answer to many of the problems of validly measuring text difficulty .
13 We can extend this kind of approach to make a complete analysis of the vibrations of quite complex molecules by making use of local symmetry to factorize the modes .
14 The most obvious form of development is cognitive , in terms of the mastery of ever more complex forms of thinking and consciousness .
15 Inevitably , the £10 increase in the connection charge will only serve to put telephone ownership out of the reach of more elderly people .
16 That will depend on their view of the liquidity of both debt and equity markets : the more liquid they think these are , the less likely they are to sit on cash or to refrain from borrowing , and the more likely they are to pay large dividends .
17 But in many parts of the world , and some of them not very far away from here , upheavals and agonies are going on , not unlike some of those experienced within the lifetime of the subject of tonight 's lecture .
18 — There is no doubt of the charm of almost all of W's work .
19 By the early nineteenth century , however , some social values constituted a significant part of the morality of more than one caste .
20 NCT is at present celebrating the Centenary of the birth of Grantly Dick-Read the first President of the National Childbirth Trust , whose classic book , ‘ Childbirth Without Fear ’ is £4.95 plus 15p p&p from HQ .
21 Most of the prototypes of both civil and military aircraft which followed the Second World War were fitted with both still and movie cameras for recording specially fitted instrument panels , but their use was confined to test flying and performance proving .
22 More detailed analysis of these and other cases provides confirmation of the findings of more systematic research into the factors which influence the success or failure of innovations : for example , the importance of communication , the role of product champions , the matching of technological and market opportunities , and the value of understanding user needs ( Rothwell , 1977 ) .
23 He has an impressive command of the literature of both art and optical science across much of Europe and over a span of four centuries .
24 This result could have been anticipated on the basis of aspirin 's non-selective inhibition of the synthesis of both pro-aggregatory and anti-aggregatory prostaglandins , and of the ineffectiveness of heparin for the inhibition of clot-associated thrombin .
25 The yearning for wholeness , for oneness , is consistent with some of the tenets of both Buddhism and nineteenth-century German Romantic philosophy , to which Karajan was evidently drawn both by background and by temperamental inclination .
26 Such metalwork may be the more prestigious items , not the more common varieties , resulting in a marked bias in our view of the economics of both metalworking and the period as a whole .
27 The proportion of pensioners on income-related benefits , income support , is roughly a third of the total of just over nine million on state benefit .
28 The number of approved centres has also increased — there are now around 70 , out of the total of almost 720 National Certificate centres .
29 From 19 study trees in one season , fewer than 4% of the total of more than 430 000 seeds produced had a chance of establishing , for 6% were killed by the parrots , 66% fell under the mother trees and 24% germinated in close competitive clumps in faeces .
30 This is where the spectacular forms of regeneration that characterised the 1980s ( Harvey , 1989 ) were not so much a postmodern discontinuity as a logical extension of the tradition of symbolically rich , effectively marginal , policy palliatives that were offered to the urban crisis from the 1960s onwards .
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