Example sentences of "of [noun sg] could [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And for women in other circumstances , there was evidence that other types of support could be protective too .
2 What was needed was that intention to make a legal act should be expressed ; this then had to be taken to be charged on the heir as trustee , since in that way the principle of benefit could be satisfied .
3 But further tinkering with the substantive law of rape could be counter-productive .
4 In the wilder parts of Scotland , even the tracing of ownership could be difficult ; the owner of the Burgh of Clickamin , a Pictish broch in Shetland , was found to be an aged lady in Cheltenham who must , Pitt-Rivers insisted , be encouraged to sign over guardianship straight away , before she forgot all about it .
5 With a Church and an officer corps also little weakened and increasingly hostile towards the Republic , the enemies of reform could be sure of powerful allies .
6 It is understood that the target groups for an extension of compulsion could be 18-24- year-olds and single people who would have benefits withdrawn if they refused a range of options of schemes offered to those out of work .
7 For instance , landfill sites engineered into raised marine deposits could become waterlogged if groundwater levels rose with the rise in sea level : the resulting pollution of groundwater could be severe .
8 For instance , landfill sites engineered into raised marine deposits could become waterlogged as groundwater levels rose with the rise in sea level : the resulting pollution of groundwater could be severe .
9 Lacking an oven , I discovered that a joint of beef could be deep-fried with excellent results .
10 Of course , her sense of wit could be alarming .
11 Though an increased incidence of cancer could be due to ascertainment bias because hypertensive patients are under closer medical surveillance than normotensive patients , this would not account for the association between mortality from cancer and blood pressure .
12 The moderate Anglicanism for which Wilkins stood is sometimes described as ‘ latitudinarian , ’ to indicate a breadth of mind and an attitude of religious toleration , at variance with the demands of puritan enthusiasts , whose overbearing self-assurance on the finer points of doctrine could be distasteful .
13 If the body lay there for long enough , even the means of death could be hard to ascertain .
14 But only a self-conscious user of language could be capable of this .
15 As a result the climate of collaboration could be full of unresolved questions and tensions , children could be confused about what was going on and the potential of the collaboration could be subverted .
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