Example sentences of "of [noun sg] in [det] way " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of caveats which concern the validity of using the results of assessment in this way .
2 Those who see any change in the traditional way of life as a disaster will fear that meeting the challenge of change in this way will only speed the decay of the rural way of life .
3 Sentences that contain such expressions , and whose truth values therefore depend on certain facts about the context of utterance ( identity of speakers , addressees , indicated objects , places and times , etc. ) , are not of course in any way special or peculiar .
4 We 've done relatively well in the past couple of years because we 've had a lot of petrol pumps , because of the new , the opening of the big supermar the , the supermarkets where there 's thirty , forty pumps go going , we make a fair bit of money in that way .
5 But er they grew up and since I 'm the youngest , obviously they were earning a little bit of money in some way .
6 ‘ Many people have lost lots of money in this way but Mr and Mrs Wilkins paid for their decision with their lives . ’
7 Another such project was initiated by Adorno 's contemporary Jean-Paul Sartre , whose attempt to define a new form of Hegelian Marxism via a reworked philosophy of consciousness in many ways more closely resembled that of the Frankfurt School .
8 The marginalization of consciousness in this way would certainly make life simpler for those attempting to understand our cognitive processes , but unfortunately Libet 's conclusions do not follow from his data .
9 But Edward proved incapable of using his powers of patronage in this way .
10 Moreover , Richards also points out that burning of methane in this way is globally beneficial because it is a much more potent trapper of heat in the atmosphere than the equivalent carbon dioxide produced by its combustion ( section 5.3. 1 ) .
11 In many volcanic areas the locals make a practice of collecting small samples of lava in this way , and then mould it while still hot into ashtrays , medallions and so on , to sell as souvenirs of the eruption .
12 When someone uses the conventional cues and triggers of emotion in this way , all they end up communicating is the desire to cue an acquired reflex .
13 Apollinaire describes Picasso 's method of work in this way : ‘ Using planes to render volumes , Picasso enumerates the different elements composing objects in such a complete and penetrating manner that they only assume the aspect of objects thanks to the spectators ’ efforts , who are of necessity aware of their simultaneity , precisely because of their arrangement .
14 And is not the thought of , say , blue different from the thought of green in some way which we may one day be in a position to describe , just as we are now able to describe the causal conditions for the experience green which is different from the experience of blue ?
15 Now it is perfectly legitimate to draw the boundaries of labourism in this way , but the matter becomes troublesome when these are located within wider structures .
16 To be fair , engineers are also impressed by the idea of harnessing the purifying capabilities of nature in this way , largely confining themselves to pointing out the real-world constraints on the wilder flights of fancy .
17 Nor was Luther tied to the verbal inspiration of Scripture in any way that demanded a strict literalism when interpreting verses that referred to the natural world .
18 By carefully assembling the pieces of evidence in this way , a picture of the technology in use at any one time can be built up .
19 And to attribute knowledge of Truth to the voice of conscience in this way , or to the religious and ethical criteria of a particular form of life , inevitably brings Gandhi face to face with the problem of the relativity of truth and with the question whether under the circumstances one is justified in talking about absolute Truth at all .
20 Thus , to calculate the rate of inflation from January 1984 to January 1985 , the appropriate formula is as follows : unc Computing the rate of inflation in this way for all the years since 1975 yields the figures shown in column 2 of Table 5.3 .
21 All such studies have influenced every form of art in some way .
22 But the stunting of development in this way is likely to result in parental guilt and some spoiling of the achievements parents and children have accomplished together earlier on .
23 But dietary fibre provides nothing of use in this way .
24 ‘ You know we 're always glad to see you , ’ she said , not quite insincerely for he was a source of amusement in many ways and quite willing to take Sunday duties when Mark was on holiday .
25 The nationalists do not see the emergence of nationalism in this way .
26 In effect , ignoring the effects of gender in this way merely reinforces stereotyping because it does nothing to challenge the definition of certain aspects of the curriculum as masculine or feminine .
27 He should be free to use or disclose or sell his skill and knowledge after the end of employment in any way he thinks fit .
28 No matter how legitimate it might be to define the scope of linguistics in this way ( and this is currently a controversial matter ) , it will not do for language pedagogy .
29 I believe that Bourdieu 's conceptual framework opens up the social-scientific study of postmodernism in several ways .
30 By sweeping aside the common law doctrine of privity in this way , it was clear that in theory insiders would be potentially exposed to vast liability .
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