Example sentences of "of [noun sg] and [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Carry on through a strip of woodland and over a second stile .
2 Instead of a systematic policy of imperialism , Unionists had Montagu 's Indian policy and Milner 's policy in Egypt ; instead of settlement in Ireland there were outrages ; instead of a broad social policy there was first a reckless waste of money and then an abandonment of almost all that had been proposed .
3 You do n't want a bit of sedimentation and then a gap when nothing was being laid down and then a bit more being sedimented , because , you know , you do n't know then whether the jumps you see in the record are simply there because there was a gap in deposition , or whether they really reflect the sudden change in the population .
4 But it does mean that the job is immensely diverse , with a lot of administration and only a small element of number crunching , which he seeks out as an extra because he likes doing it .
5 In 1828 George Hurst became a director of the House of Industry and subsequently a member of the Board of Guardians , a position which he held until he was in his nineties .
6 A big erm pitcher full of tea and then a basket tied on my back with the sandwiches and and the cake of scone my mother used to back more often .
7 Many of the farmer 's wives came in for a mug of tea and perhaps a piece of cake before they set off on the long drive for home .
8 Inner conflict involves the experience of temptation , the seduction of ambition and often a struggle with God , perceived or unrealised .
9 He watched the emotions play over her young face ; the stir of anger , the hint of disappointment and then a smile settled , hesitant , ravishing in its innocence .
10 I exist with a primary school football team and th the two skills that they 're able to develop , the powers of concentration and hopefully a sense of fair play .
11 About ten people a day kill themselves by suicide , maybe maybe one in a thousand people who take Prozac get bad reactions to it , but that has to be seen in balance , in the balance of a large number of people deriving a lot of benefit and maybe a few people having some bad reactions .
12 Another deadly volley of canister and scarcely a man was left on his feet and capable of charging even had he wanted to do so .
13 The system used a very early expert system shell and soon runs out of capacity and so a later version of the shell was purchased that could cope with an increased knowledge base .
14 One last consideration — many couples have experienced total loss of desire and even a repugnance towards sex with no apparent reason .
15 The sprightly pensioner likes to share her love of nature and once a year throws open the gates to her home in Abbey Road .
16 It is both a celebration of salvation and also a proclamation of God 's continuing gift of saving grace for his faithful people .
17 This is a direct inflow of sterling and hence a direct increase in the money supply .
18 you know they might as well go to the toilet at the same time and all this sort of stuff and yet a little bit of information about that , how long does it take to put together ? and various other things you know where 's the staff manual kept I mean when I joined , I did n't know purchase and this sort of stuff .
19 These are perhaps the most rewarding circumstances in which the artist can work from the nude , since they presuppose a fulfilment of relationship and consequently a relaxation of atmosphere .
20 in the heat , once it 's cooled down you 'll get the familiar appearance of a glossy surface of pottery , with the oxide having also fired and sometimes changed colour and that 's your colour underneath , on your base a layer of colour and then a plastic surface right if I talk about glaze , erm vitrify does , did anybody understand that ?
21 This provision ranges widely in form and presentation with major concerts , recitals , plays , celebrity lectures , opera , dance , films , demonstrations , exhibitions of works of art and even an award-winning Summer Festival of Extra Mural Activities designed for visitors and tourists .
22 This provision ranges widely in form and presentation with major concerts , recitals , plays , celebrity lectures , opera , dance , films , demonstrations , exhibitions of works of art and even an award-winning Summer Festival of Extra Mural Activities designed for visitors and tourists .
23 Beyond the Golden Room is a further room of art and then a temperature-controlled room of old clocks , one of the finest collections in Italy .
24 If we find a sudden or gradual drop in weight or fineness , this would appear to indicate a short-term or chronic shortage of bullion and consequently a financial crisis .
25 He was forty-one years of age and still a bachelor , but within a few months it became known that he wished to marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson , an American divorcee .
26 The new channel will be obliged , at the start , to offer only half an hour a day of news and only an hour a week of current affairs .
27 No matter which machine you knit on , your sweaters and cardigans will need some kind of welt and often a cuff as well .
28 A bowl of claret and afterwards a game of dice ? ’
29 This can include district home nurses if the need arises , the vital service of chiropody and even a visit from a National Health Service dentist in certain circumstances if they are ill and housebound .
30 To the chagrin of rationalists such as John Stuart Mill , the family , not the individual , was regarded as the basic unit of society and increasingly a substitute for lost faith , so that even positivists like Frederic Harrison , who rejected supernatural religions , supported an almost Catholic orthodoxy of marriage as the gateway to family responsibility .
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