Example sentences of "of [noun sg] be [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 Beads of moisture were forming on his forehead .
2 The purpose of the remainder of this chapter is to analyse the changing structure and composition of the national population , assess the principal dimensions of population redistribution , and examine the impact which both these sources of change are having on the geography of Britain .
3 A few sections of rail were lying on the bottom , several more were scattered on the ground and one was propped against the end of the trailer as if whoever had been in the act of loading or unloading had abandoned it in a hurry .
4 Now erm all the gifts that you give at Confirmation the whole idea of Confirmation in well one of the main ideas of Confirmation is taking on board for yourself what your parents promised for you in baptism .
5 A few heavy spots of rain were falling on the pavements like coins .
6 A saucepan full of water was hissing on a tiny range , a miniature of the one in Matey 's kitchen .
7 Nevertheless , new problems of access were appearing on the horizon , as were issues of cost containment .
8 The second map ( figure 5.14 ) shows the geography of the Department of Defense 's spending on salaries ( for civilians and service personnel together ) , and indicates that the great majority of the southern States ( with the exceptions of Louisiana and Arkansas ) were substantial beneficiaries , whereas northeastern States got much less than the national average per capita expenditure in this category .
9 By now villagers in various states of dress were arriving on the scene , and each had his or her own idea of what should be done .
10 Methods or principles of construction are verging on patent law , whilst eye-appeal resulting from function , or from fitting with another article are excluded because it is an indirect effect .
11 DNA changes by biological evolution only on a time scale of millions of years , but our powers of destruction are increasing on a time scale for the evolution of information , which is now only twenty or thirty years .
12 Scientists at the Israeli Institute of Technology are working on a project to produce power from salt water and the heat of the desert .
13 At about the same time , the computer graphics lab at the New York Institute of Technology was working on what it ambitiously claimed would ultimately be the first full-length computer-generated feature , The Works .
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