Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [coord] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a few instances , the cone itself was of brick and this form of construction existed at Tibb 's Oast , a mid-nineteenth century oast-house , the conversion of which is described later .
2 In previous times , mothers taught their daughters the skills of agriculture but this tradition is beginning to die out .
3 The adoption of this model of pedagogy means that the teacher is necessarily engaged in research as an aspect of teaching and this research too has its own character and its own criteria of relevance and success .
4 Poor-quality eggshells indicate insufficient deposition of calcium and this deficiency was shown to have arisen because of increased soil acidification .
5 She loved a bit of gossip and this morsel must seem particularly juicy .
6 Because of this their actions are in terms of their concept of labour and this idea of labour is therefore in itself an important causative factor in history .
7 Where the parties have reached an express agreement that the plaintiff will voluntarily assume the risk of harm and this agreement is made before the negligent act , then the defence will operate .
8 He denied a charge of murder and this plea was accepted by the Crown .
9 Or , to put it another way , there is an essentially privative ( in the sense of ‘ deprive ’ not ‘ private ’ ) aspect of consciousness and this feature ( a ) is one way of capturing that .
10 Erm , putting images into words is not always easy , a colour in a painting can give you a way in and the brown of Van Gogh 's jacket erm affected me with this one particularly and the sun flower I felt was inappropriate misplace , in a vase to , to small , erm and it gave me an image a very strong image of suffering and this poem is in its very early stages and its literally just a list of images and I wanted to be able to show you how I start off which is with a series of images and then I have to put some filler in and open them up a bit and , and make them more accessible and understandable , but this is just a list form .
11 With the support provided by organisations such as the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce , the Confederation of British Industry , the Chartered Institute of Marketing and this organisation , the centre will have sufficient expert back-up to assist its operations in Brussels .
12 The boat race always draws a lot of attention and this year is no exception .
13 The sociology of knowledge was deemed to have a role in grasping the social basis of knowledge but this task was to be clearly distinguished from any comment on the validity of knowledge .
14 The Plan warns , however , that the inflation rate of book and manuscript prices continues to outpace the general rate of inflation and this year 's increase in Purchase Grant .
15 Er I mean that , that 's not an attempt to dissuade or anyone but it , it you know people are very traditional and if the Garrick has always charged reasonably and suddenly there seems to be rate of inflation and this sort of thing , you know , as Linda said , they might think okay , I 'll pay three quid but I 'm damned if I 'm buying any raffle tickets .
16 Well this provided some very interesting information I think , because I was very surprised the degree to which men were involved in decisions about what to put in the home and had very strong opinions about quite small details of colour and this kind of thing as to what went into the home .
17 Even Abraham Farrar , pointed out by oralists as the most exalted example of their method of teaching , showed concern that oralism was being carried to too great an extreme at the expense of education but this concern fell on ‘ deaf ’ ears of those in teaching establishments though perhaps not that of Dr. Eichholz the Government inspector for the overseeing of deaf education , as the two extracts opposite taken from the logbook of the Hugh Bell School , Middlesbrough , show .
18 Consider this drop of water and this lilac
19 There is some residual evidence that daylight length may be a factor and that the invention of electric light has also lowered the age of menarche but this effect is not erm absolutely clear and there 's some controversy about it .
20 Usually she enjoyed the tasks of morning but this morning she was grateful above all mornings for the constancy of the small demanding chores : to shake out the fire , scatter the ashes on the grass outside , to feel the stoked fire warm the room .
21 The three were presented in ascending order of rank and this order matches the extent to which the views are given ‘ non-prejudiced ’ justification .
22 It might sound dull to advise using the same pale colour for walls , floors and larger pieces of furniture but this treatment will make the most confined area seem lighter and airier and will make bulky objects like sofas , armchairs and beds recede into the background .
23 It happened one day when I ran out of petrol and this girl came along .
24 Damage to properties owing to clay shrinkage is most likely to occur following long periods of drought and this condition can be exacerbated by the influence of tree roots or vegetation .
25 ‘ Meat and animal-based foods were put forward as the most nutritious form of sustenance and this propaganda changed the shape of generations .
26 The fight with Hearns brought a new questioning of boxing and this type of ‘ golden oldie ’ encounter .
27 He had made an attempt to overthrow the eighteenth-century system of materialism and this attempt , with Coleridge 's help , succeeded .
28 Structured English uses only a limited subset of English and this vocabulary is exact .
29 Erm in terms of rights of way we are very concerned indeed as a group er the rights of way and this purpose we have identified er an additional fifty thousand pounds in which we hope will help
30 Parental involvement in the curriculum is being explored , particularly in relation to the teaching of reading and this research aims to assist development here by clarifying problems and evaluating new forms of practice .
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