Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Is the concept of unity of life in the New Testament such that the salvation of man involves the liberation of nature ?
2 A turning-point came in the case of Ridge v. Baldwin in which it was held that the distinction between administrative and judicial functions was of no relevance to deciding whether a decision-maker ought to comply with the rules of natural justice or to the availability of judicial review remedies .
3 This is essentially the conclusion drawn by Salmon ( 1987 ) in his survey of decentralization in France in the early 1980s .
4 Douglas Hurd , the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary , acknowledged in the UK House of Commons on Feb. 16 that the draft was " not ideal " , and that the rate of progress towards democracy in Hong kong would not be " as rapid as people in Hong Kong , or we ourselves , would have liked to see " .
5 It is based upon a general review of progress towards integration in the UK and detailed case studies of integrated and competitive services .
6 His theories linked the idea of progress with advances in technological knowledge and , by showing how progress follows natural laws , he sought to place the development of political organization on a scientific footing .
7 Do you find that erm the likes of yourself and your workmates do you have a lot of kind of views in common and things , do you think that you 're maybe kind of the same political persuasions or whatever ?
8 ‘ There are means of support for women in your situation . ’
9 Wellington also contained the headquarters of New Zealand Railways , and its massive , confident air surmounted by rows of flag-poles represented an extraordinary reaffirmation of support for railways in New Zealand .
10 It is arguable that the Swedish policy of support for parents in the labour force , as well as similar measures in Eastern Europe , have put a brake on fertility decline and perhaps reversed it .
11 Lets hope Community Care will be a constant companion and source of support to Thompson in the future .
12 How are we to reconcile or decide between these competing and very different accounts of the basis of support between kin in the past ?
13 Thanks to the two teachers from S.W. London who served tea on the 27th June under considerable difficulties — a temperamental urn and lack of support from others in their area .
14 ( A similar spread of support among states in the United States presidential elections may result in a president obtaining a majority in the electoral college without obtaining a majority of the popular vote . )
15 Now , I think there 's probably a very nice parallel here , I ca n't help thinking it was probably a bit better , must have been better organised in the Second World War , but there 's going to be a erm special exhibition here is n't there , on memories of change on Oxford in the Second World War , and of course there were a great many extra people there too .
16 The effect of L-NAME on changes in intraluminal gall bladder pressure induced by CCK was reversed by a simultaneous dose of L-arginine .
17 She was involved in the London Women 's Film Group and the setting up of Cinema of Women in the late seventies ; then there was a sense of a political project , opportunities for women to meet and discuss ideas and motivations .
18 He sought collaboration from various colleagues , including Marjory Stephenson ( see Chapter 8 ) in the nearby Department of Biochemistry , but made little progress before his departure from Cambridge to fill successively the chairs of pathology at Sheffield in 1932 and Oxford in 1935 .
19 We discussed the problem of the possible leakage of expertise from Russia in the field of weapons of mass destruction .
20 NOTTINGHAM condemned Rosslyn Park to almost certain relegation while giving themselves a glimmer of hope of survival in League One with their first victory of the season , based on three tries by flanker Martin Pepper and 18 points from outside-half Guy Gregory .
21 The substitution of Leu 44 and Ala 122 of MUP by valine in A2U and large movements of the side chains of Phe 60 and Tyr 121 also give rise to important differences in the two binding pockets .
22 Most noticeable are the substitution of Val 58 and Ala 107 of MUP by phenylalanine in A2U .
23 He had been openly critical of his own archbishop 's defence of discrimination against homosexuals in church employment .
24 Evans has drawn attention to the danger of discrimination by specialty in a cost-obsessed climate , so that ‘ a geriatrician may face the nightmare that the specialty dedicated to providing old people with the best of hospital care will become an impediment to their obtaining it ’ , even though an investment in optimum treatment often yields rich dividends through the avoidance of expensive long-term dependency .
25 Few long term studies , however , specifically consider the epidemiology and natural history of impairment of growth in an at risj population .
26 Cutting off the supply of nutrition to tissues in any part of the body has a further consequence — new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit .
27 As part of the same appeal , Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Bishops ' Conferences of Europe call on every Catholic Church in Europe to set aside New Year 's Day as a ‘ special day of prayer for peace in Europe , and in particular in the Balkans ’ .
28 Such offences attack the principle of freedom of choice in sexual matters , and this , together with the punishment of those who exploit the young , the mentally handicapped , and those for whom they have responsibility , should form the bedrock of the scheme of offences .
29 But all those changes could be justified out of respect for the principle of freedom of choice in sexual matters , particularly where the enquiry is so straightforward .
30 Under our system , it falls to the police to ensure that such events are organised in such a way that disorder does not ensue , and that so far as is possible , the event can take place with as little dislocation to the ordinary life of the community as is compatible with the proper exercise of freedom of speech in public .
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