Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [be] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 The parents ' sense of disempowerment was at this stage complete .
2 Althusser is emphatic that the means of production are just as essential to the fashioning of theoretical products as to something like shoemaking , which plainly requires leather , tools , etc. , and he points out that the Marxist concept of labour is in this sense irreducibly material .
3 The Kingdom of Heaven is like this .
4 Much of ecology is about this process : finding energy ; putting it to use .
5 parochials — whose world is largely bounded by the ward , individual constituents and their problems ( 15 per cent of sample were in this group ) ;
6 In many family-run businesses , the source of authority is of this kind .
7 Despite some disappointments , the general progress of science was by this time undoubted , and a source of pride even to those not connected with it .
8 In the first issue of Nord-Sud , a periodical which appeared in 1917 with the purpose of reintegrating and stimulating artistic life in Paris , Reverdy , feeling that some kind of objective evaluation of Cubism was by this time possible , wrote : ‘ Today for a privileged few the discipline can be taken for granted , and as they never sought for an art that was cold , mathematical and anti-plastic , wholly intellectual , the works which they offer us appeal to the lover of painting directly through the eye and the senses .
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