Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
2 But it is still too early to be certain , and the jury must remain out until there is sufficient evidence of a true change of heart to distinguish it from the earnest gestures of political expediency .
3 Carnelian , spying through the eye-screen from wherever , had immediately begun withdrawing the hydra into the warp of Chaos to save it from extinction .
4 Such an astigmatic view of course excludes them from the main focus of research .
5 Give the customers plenty of opportunity to see you from all angles and let them feel the cloth if they want to .
6 Impatiently , Jezrael pushed the canopy back and an icy blast of wind snatched it from her grasp .
7 In 1911 , aged twenty-nine , the Crown Prince was sent off to Danzig to command a Hussar Regiment ( it was a fairly transparent form of exile to preserve him from the temptations of political and amorous indiscretion in Berlin ) , but he showed himself singularly adept at escaping from the tedium of regimental duties .
8 Midge 's total lack of emotion prevented him from sharing his own grief with her and he found that unbearable .
9 A spasm of delight shook her from head to toe as he plundered her neck .
10 I need a different kind of exorcism to free me from what he did to me .
11 The review of directors ' managerial decisions can be viewed as being motivated by a similar desire to ensure that directors exercise their powers only in accordance with the will of their constituents ( the shareholders ) and that they are subjected to the controls often associated with the Rule of Law to prevent them from using their power arbitrarily .
12 Considerations of security prevented us from filming the machine which puts the layers into Vienetta … or the twirls into a tangle twister .
13 Some streak of reluctance stopped her from turning straight to Luke 's page in the book .
14 Her sigh of exasperation reached him from 3,000 miles away .
15 Immediately , a cloud of mist hid them from their pursuers and , before it cleared , a messenger came and called the Dragoons off to another duty .
16 Is lack of knowledge preventing you from having a go at hunter trials , eventing or showing ?
17 Nonetheless she was determined not to let her fear of water prevent her from accompanying Bernard on their now frequent sailing holidays .
18 And then the bucket too which has been kept full of water to keep it from expanding and leaking which otherwise it would do .
19 We go into a state of shock to protect us from the knowledge .
20 She had just stood there , scarcely able to breathe , and aware that only a hair 's breadth of control separated her from a fury that would shake her to her soul .
21 The present appearance of the bridge owes much to the Counter-Reformation , its famous gallery of sculpture transforming it from an ordinary thoroughfare into a via sacra ( see p. 55 ) .
22 The only thing which was missing was the recognised transport qualification , a Certificate of Professional Competence , so , determined not to let this official piece of paper prevent her from doing the job she undertook a study course and was soon legally qualified to run the fleet .
23 We presume that those patients who manifested HBV in the allograft within day of transplantation acquired it from virus shed into the blood stream before or during the operation .
24 Every day the brave and clever assistant takes over from the master , whose slackness and lack of seriousness demotes him from the rank which seemed to be permanently his . ’
25 Do n't let the volume of traffic discourage you from this superb walk .
26 This is not surprising when one considers the ways in which the attitudes and structures of society condition us from the early years of life .
27 Apart from the fact that they have an arrest rate lower than that of some of the older generation , there seems nothing of substance to distinguish them from the founders of the DUP party .
28 Will the Secretary of State take it from me that the people of Northern Ireland will appreciate his expressions of sympathy and those of the hon. Member for Greenock and Port Glasgow ( Dr. Godman ) , directed to those who suffered in the terrible massacre that took place last night and to the relatives of the person who was murdered this morning ?
29 The hon. Gentleman conceded that it was an idea worth considering , whereas the Secretary of State mocked it from the outset .
30 But my contract of employment forbids me from getting involved in contentious politics ; I do so at the risk of having a court order taken out against me .
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