Example sentences of "of [adv] [num] per [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Even if the Sun is shrinking at a rate of merely 0–01 per cent per century it would totally disappear in a million years ; and it would have been twice its present size a million years ago .
2 In a turnout of only 43.2 per cent , no party gained more than 13 per cent of the vote , producing a severely fragmented legislature .
3 His achievement of only 7 per cent of the vote was widely seen as a decisive rejection of his racially oriented campaign .
4 The labour shortage served to drive wages up by 6.4 per cent , against productivity growth of only 3.4 per cent .
5 Potato farmers everywhere arec having trouble with reports of only thirty per cent of the crop being gathered so far .
6 Yes , but will the Minister say how he could ever expect to balance exports and imports when the Chancellor has forecast growth of only 1 per cent ; when we have rising unemployment , falling investment and companies going bankrupt ?
7 The 1.6 per cent increase in CO2 is set against an increase of only 1 per cent in gross domestic product over the year , indicating that the economy became more polluting per unit of wealth created .
8 With a charge of only 1 per cent , the value would rise to £1,791 .
9 The rise in wheat consumption slowed markedly since the early 1980s from an increase of 3.5 per cent a year to an average increase of only 2.4 per cent a year .
10 ‘ Today 's technology allows us to produce an average of only 34 per cent of the oil in the North Sea reservoirs , ’ Astrid commented .
11 Overall a majority of 34 per cent preferred television for issue-information , while a majority of only 18 per cent preferred television for information about leaders .
12 Will he explain why , at the hands of his high-tax Government , the car will face total sales taxation of 27.3 per cent. , when its BMW competitor faces tax in its domestic market of only 14 per cent ?
13 On the other hand , the prison population could be substantially reduced without creating a massive crime wave : if the numbers in prison were cut by 40 per cent , this could be expected to lead to an increase in criminal convictions of only 1.6 per cent .
14 But this represented an increase in the stock of gold held as reserves of only 17 per cent .
15 In this election , according to Gallup , Neil Kinnock won the backing of only 44 per cent — virtually the same as in Labour 's disastrous election performance of 1983 .
16 If you do n't want to pay an annual fee then the Visa card issued by the small Town & Country Building Society is a bargain with an interest charge of only 22.5 per cent compared with average of 28 to 29 per cent charged by most Visa card issuers .
17 He pointed out that the federal government was directly responsible for determining the prices of only 11.5 per cent of industrial products and 14.5 per cent of retail prices , and concluded from that that the government played only a minor role in generating inflation .
18 For example , the declining firm needs an annual dividend yield of 20 per cent to compensate for the capital loss of 5 per cent per annum , whereas the supernormal growth firm has a dividend yield of only 2.66 per cent , but this is compensated for by an average annual growth in the share price of 12.34 per cent .
19 At the end of August , with inflation , exacerbated by the Gulf crisis , running at an annual rate of 22.7 per cent , the government had announced a wage increase of only 7.1 per cent for the final quarter of the year under the automatic wage indexation system , due to be abolished in 1991 .
20 Even as an interim objective , the idea of a West Bank and Gaza state apparently enjoyed the support of only 50.1 per cent of respondents , while 43.6 per cent preferred to continue the struggle for all Palestine .
21 And it adds : ‘ Richard Oster , of the Cookson engineering group , may have been happy to make do on £628,611 , a rise of only four per cent , as his company recorded a fall in profits of 65 per cent . ’
22 In this case , if the artist receives a 12 per cent royalty , and the producer requires a 2 per cent royalty on record sales , the artist is left with a royalty of only 10 per cent split between the members of the band .
23 But the family sizes of women married in 1945 and in 1954 after 10 years ' marriage were 1.79 and 1.96 children respectively — a difference of only 10 per cent .
24 In power since 1971 , he is a remarkable survivor among Arab leaders , the more so for being an Alawi — one of only 10 per cent of the Syrian population .
25 Based on figures calculated for the united Yemen throughout 1990 , the budget forecast a deficit reduction of some 27 per cent during 1991 , with a 43 per cent increase in revenue and an increase in expenditure of only 10 per cent .
26 ‘ Sometimes a merchant in a souk will settle for perhaps a profit of only five per cent , ’ says Mr Latif of the Moroccan Tourist Board .
27 The present publishers , John Horbury & Associates , had quoted with an increase of only five per cent and they would be retained due to their reliability and flexibility .
28 ( 1988 ) estimate 17,000 additional fatal cancers in Europe in the next 50 years but highlight that the Chernobyl legacy adds an increment of only 0.01 per cent to European lifetime fatal cancer risk .
29 So he headed off demands for a capital levy , knowing it to be unacceptable to his party , but Britain nevertheless paid for a higher proportion of the costs of the war from taxation than the other combatants ; he was also able to launch the Victory Loan of 1917 at an interest rate of only 5 per cent , having a surer sense of the patriotism of potential subscribers than did the Treasury .
30 A section of the bank employees ' trade union voted on Feb. in favour of strike action after claims for salary increases in excess of 10 per cent were countered by an offer from the banks of only 5 per cent , plus a one-off lump sum payment of DM300 ( nearly US$200 ) .
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