Example sentences of "of [adv] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ An overwhelming flood of intensely bright patterns in supernatural colours exploded behind my eyelids , ’ he wrote .
2 The invisibility of women in the sociology of work is guaranteed by the choice of predominantly masculine jobs in research design .
3 The early primitive phase of frame shacks and converted buildings was followed by the appearance of rather grander stations in the post-confederation years of the 1870s and 1880s .
4 survey by questionnaire of circa 100 companies in Augsburg , Germany ( primarily SME 's ) ( December 1989 ) — data still under analysis ;
5 This result could have been due to the inclusion of mostly elderly patients in the control group who may have been harbouring M tuberculosis from a primary asymptomatic tuberculous infection , which was common in their youth .
6 It certainly seems to escape the circularity inherent in a Kantian attempt to link the particularity of entities with the numerical identity of the places that such entities occupy in a general spatio-temporal framework , which only leads to the problem of having to presuppose the existence of numerically identical entities in order to be able to refer to identical places .
7 ‘ That could mean having children of vastly different ages in the same class , ’ he says .
8 This measure of increases in men working away from home is unduly conservative but is the closest possible from census data , being the numbers of men in these industries who were working outside their local government district of residence in 1981 minus all men in the construction industry in 1971 , expressed as a percentage of economically active men in 1981 .
9 Forty years of extremely limited progress in the sphere suggest that optimism would be out of place .
10 But many other researchers have concluded that legal intervention is of extremely limited value in truancy cases .
11 The reconstruction period raises a number of complicated technical problems … a number of extremely difficult tasks in the overall management of the economy .
12 This point is of more than academic interest since there are , in fact , quite significant differences in the functional organization of apparently homologous structures in different species .
13 ( Here , as we have previously noted , we should beware of confusing the methods of philosophy , and also those of the ‘ humanities ’ generally , with those of the natural sciences where the aim is to explain the behaviour of apparently diverse phenomena in terms of general laws ; the more general , the more fruitful . )
14 However , others are more sceptical of the significance of merely more women in positions of influence in the state .
15 A random number table consists of lists of randomly selected numbers in which there is no bias .
16 Indeed , a sexually reproducing species can be thought of as a device that permutes a discrete set of mutually accustomed genes in different combinations .
17 Applicants holding GCE A-level passes of sufficiently high standard in appropriate subjects may be offered exemption from all or part of the first year of most honours degree courses ; indeed such opportunities may also be available to applicants offering other qualifications .
18 It 's just that there are n't enough of sufficiently high calibre in the party 's lower ranks .
19 The methods used by Walpole to derive the above bounds were later applied by him to the case of transversely isotropic inclusions in a homogeneous matrix .
20 This would lead to a decline in the volume of less essential traffic in urban and rural areas and bring an overall reduction in all its adverse effects , including its contribution , through carbon dioxide , to global warming — certain to be very high on the political agenda in the next few years .
21 Bullock , following suggestions in S. G. Raybould 's recent book , The English Universities and Adult Education , argued that the universities should stick to Tutorial and preparatory-Tutorial Classes , leaving the WEA as the country 's main provider of less advanced courses in liberal studies ; for this expanded role , the Association would require increased government aid to finance additional full-time posts and would also need to ‘ get rid of those characteristics to which its critics have often pointed … conservatism , parochialism and class-consciousness ’ .
22 While the " U " or " J " shaped relationship of maternal age to child mortality generally prevails , since the survival rate of children up to age five years is determined mostly by the high mortality of infants , it is of less impressive strength in the mortality of children aged 1–4 years than in the incidence of infant deaths .
23 The ‘ organic ’ qualities are clearly important in allowing the adoption of systems of management which , in the absence of less effective leadership in gaining commitment , would hardly be viable .
24 Secondly , and more significantly , this is one of only two sentences in the story which contain an indefinite article : here , " a hospital " .
25 That was the emphatic prediction of Maine Road boss Peter Reid yesterday despite White 's scant return of only two goals in the 16 games since his bleak debut for England .
26 The surgeons had to join blood vessels of only two millimetres in diameter and use suturing materials no broader than a human hair .
27 Kathy 's in Perth is one of only two shops in WA devoted to machine knitting — in a state more than ten times the size of the UK .
28 The Environmental Protection Agency has authorised the storage of only 8,500 drums in the cavern over a five year test period .
29 Matthew Casson , 14 , was chosen as one of only six finalists in the North of England in the Sainsbury 's Future Cooks Awards after his winning recipes impressed judges .
30 In Greece , where contraception was not legalised until 1980 , women bore an average of only 2.3 children in 1978 .
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