Example sentences of "of [pron] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The father of these children are one or other of the mother 's first two husbands , the first of whom ( from whom she was divorced in 1976 ) has played no part in their lives at least since 1980 , and the second of whom committed suicide in 1984 .
2 Some 1,200 Italians — most of whom committed atrocities in Yugoslavia — were listed by the United Nations War Crimes Commission , but none was handed over .
3 If that had been the case , then he could at least have received finance in the eighties when rich and influential independent figures such as Steven Spielberg , Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty — all of whom professed admiration for Welles — had the chance to help him get a film financed and passed .
4 I have in front of me some photographs from a collection of settlers ' memories .
5 There had been rioting down by the docks , some said , but no one knew exactly where ; and Mrs Norris swore they were throwing the dead into mass graves , and half of them good Catholics without the last rites .
6 Some district council 's elect all their councillors once every four years — others elect a third of them each year with a year off while the county council elections are held .
7 I am sure that hon. Members have talked to constituents , many of them young women with children , who say bitterly that they feel trapped in their environment and dare not go out at night , even to have a cup of tea with a friend .
8 But a lot of them young kids of twelve year old , twelve to thirteen
9 And one of them best lads of the yard used to go up there and meet the year meet them .
10 Macdonell 's description of a village cricket match against a team of authors , most of them recognizable characters in Squire 's own team , ‘ The Invalids ’ , became required reading .
11 Controversy surrounding summit Prior to the summit , governments and NGOs of varying persuasions traded accusations , many of them familiar rehearsals of long-standing differences .
12 In ‘ package transactions ’ , trust banks each buy , say , 100,000 shares of the same 20 stocks — all of them key components of the Nikkei share average .
13 Many of them expressed appreciation of local cathedral organists and parish musicians who provide a lead and incentive to others .
14 You suddenly come across something , and , whether it is er , medicine , mostly , or technique think , first of them one stage after another was invented , more or less by accident .
15 Syria , or rather Antiochus , pollutes the Temple of Jerusalem on the eve of a final war which will give him victory over Egypt , but which will soon be followed by the deliverance of the Jews and by the Last Judgement : " And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake , some to everlasting life and some to reproaches and everlasting abhorrence " ( 12.2 ) .
16 The end was in sight for a number of them that day in Chorzow : Alan Ball , sent off , unable to contain his frustration ; Ramsey , the most successful of England 's managers , sacked within a year .
17 ‘ One of them nice ladies at Mrs P 's , middle floor , knitted it up .
18 People came from far and near to see the wonders they wrought , and eventually , like the Myrcans , some of them accepted service with the lords of Minginish .
19 Most of them enclosed letters to be forwarded to her .
20 Students and staff at the Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education , many of them fellow members of the college rugby team , wept during a performance of Elton John 's Yellow Brick Road , the favourite tune of student , Murray Pugh , stabbed to death in Cheltenham just over a month ago .
21 " When the war came he had a fleet of eleven ships , most of them modern carriers of eight hundred to one thousand tons .
22 Indeed , many of them experienced agonies of self-doubt ; all too aware of their inadequacies as Christians , they threw themselves headlong into acts of piety and charity in order to prove to themselves that they really were God 's elect .
23 I realize that , you know I would say five of them five people in both departments champion of champions let's hope that it never happens again , you know , these things do happen .
24 It is true that some members of the party were inclined to take a ‘ soft ’ line towards Germany : prominent among them were Philip Noel-Baker and Richard Stokes , both of them middle-class members of the party .
25 Get rid of them nasty things down your throat what 's harbouring the germs .
26 it 's got er , it 's got one of them white things with a black line on it I 'm sure
27 His clothes , some of them old things of Theo 's which had been altered for him , were shabby , and were getting spattered with paint .
28 ‘ Do any of them own horses like ours ? ’
29 All six songs were crammed with churning melodies and great choruses ; with at least three of them worthy contenders for vinyl .
30 Good as its word , Advanced Micro Devices Inc yesterday announced that it has begun shipments of the first members of its Am486 microprocessor family with 33MHz , 40MHz and clock-doubled 50MHz versions , all of them full clones of the Intel Corp 80486 with maths co-processor on board .
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