Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He was busy , and to get rid of me lie wrote me a letter of introduction to Ahmed Ahmedi , the vice-consul at the embassy .
2 ‘ I 'll scream the place down , I 'll tell Bessie you tried to ruin me virtue , I 'll tear some of me clothes to prove it . ’
3 Mind , it was the surprise of me life to 'ear you 'd teamed up with a fly female pickpocket , I did n't know you was one of the lads . ’
4 and they 're not appreciating how difficult it is for some of them families to send them there .
5 So I 've just come out of the goodness of my heart to warn you to save yourself while you can : you 'll lose Hugo — where is he , by the way ?
6 He broke two of my teeth extracting them but he says they 're out clean , when I told him to take another X-ray of it .
7 This was eventually made doubly plain when each member of my crew took it in turn to brief me on his particular duties , and I in turn had to perform in his position .
8 She says it slipped and set off the magic eye which set the baler off which crushed the bottom part of my leg causing me to lose the tissue and muscle from my ankle up to my shin .
9 Personally , I am rather too fond of my sanity to risk it in this way .
10 Perhaps it was sitting in front of an audience that I hardly knew but believed to be very worthy that brought back that old feeling of being a bit of a fraud , particularly when one lady , catching the shreds of my zeal said I had taken away her fear of cancer !
11 Plus the fact that one of my friends thought it was a really funny idea if she stuck half a in one of my drinks and I almost died so that 's beside the point .
12 One of my friends thought she was pregnant and she told my mum before her own mum .
13 One or two of my friends made it their business to send me the cutting from the Paternoster Review .
14 Last summer one of my friends lent me a C.B. and an old aerial as he had bought a new set and some more of my friends had C.B.s .
15 We left the bar together ; one of my friends saw us leave and winked at us .
16 Do you know one or two of my friends castigated me two years ago for taking food to somebody who was sleeping in the gardens .
17 One of my friends said he was a romantic boy who thought he bore a charmed life , but I argued that this was a superficial judgment .
18 And oddly enough one of my friends asked me only yesterday when he said what 's on your programme for next week , he said how on earth do you keep up to date ?
19 Many of my friends followed me to Paris or they disappeared or they died .
20 This particular girl , a model , is putting Patrick in his place by going on about cars : ‘ Most of my friends have them on the firm , ’ she said , with the sort of lift of the old proud head that he could hardly believe had not accompanied a limiting judgment on Villiers de l'Isle Adam . ’
21 THE next leg of my journey takes me the short drive to Regensburg and from there I follow a minor road to Cham , last stop before the German-Czech border post .
22 Neither of my parents wore them .
23 Neither of my parents wore them .
24 ‘ Hello , Francis , ’ I said , to have the sound of my voice ground me .
25 I find it almost amusing to listen to several of my contemporaries tell me about that ill-fated occasion and how they found a means of getting over the Alps .
26 Policemen of my generation call them the funnies . ’
27 Jamie shoved one hand down the back of my cords to keep me from falling on my face , and put the other hand on to my forehead , murmuring something .
28 ‘ I realised I had to stop putting it in though , ’ Kaye admits , ‘ when a friend of one of my sons told me the house looked more and more like a church every time he came round . ’
29 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , you may be amused to hear that one of my sons spotted you the other day training with Korchnoi and the Brighton and Hove Albion football team .
30 ‘ Couple of my boys tell me you 're trying to earn a piece of that five grand I 'm putting up .
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