Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun sg] be be " in BNC.

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1 I find myself rather like the old shell man having to look both ways at once , because part of my division is is town and part of it is country and they have very different views about the by-pass erm
2 One of the most beautiful experiences of my life was being able to play the Tenth Symphony for Shostakovich when we last visited Moscow .
3 He knows that part of my beauty is being alive , but it 's the dead me he wants .
4 The Kodak laboratories of my eidesis were being dismantled ; soon all that would be left was an out-of-order passport-photo-booth , mouldering on an empty station platform .
5 ‘ The highlight of their tour is being locked in the dungeon after hearing the tale of the ‘ Green Lady and the Bluidy Stairs ’ , ’ she says .
6 hike a herd of antelope , grazing indifferently while one of their number was being savaged by lions , they would go on , singing and clapping their hands and making a great noise against the darkness .
7 If one of their number was being kept on the phone by some whingeing client who had no intention of investing further , a colleague would rescue him , shouting : " Smith ( or whatever the dealer was called ) , Hong Kong , Line .
8 The revenue were thus aware from the outset that the validity of their demand was being challenged .
9 After a few years they may find that not enough of their nature is being fulfilled .
10 Much of their repertory is being recorded for the first time ( or very nearly so ) , and it may be that some current recordings will sound exploratory , even tentative , to future generations who will have the privilege to take things further .
11 They must have been such wonderful beings , and now even the legacy of their environment was being rewritten by the humans , changed with every curved floor covered by a flat grille , every piece of art ripped from the walls and studied out of context , every subtle nuance of space filled with metal and plastic , neural net cabinets , stores , machinery , even people .
12 The third produces coal cheaply but most of its output is being stockpiled .
13 With just 12 tied houses , only a fraction of its output was being sold .
14 By the end of yesterday , having had half of the region 's press beating a path to her cage door in deepest East Cowton ( and a simultaneous announcement of her existence was being made in New York ) , she was feeling distinctly tired but kept her pecker up by chewing on a favourite piece of banana .
15 She liked the reflected glory of her daughter 's being with such a famous star , and thought it could do nothing but good for the girl 's future in the theatre .
16 Cade towards the end of his life was being superseded by Jewish moneylenders , and as a Christian usurer he would come to appear as something of an anomaly after his death .
17 When would the fourth pall-bearer arrive , because , although the labouring side of his assignment was being carried out , he was the first to be called by Alan to say a few words , and also why was the organist playing in such a muted fashion ?
18 The anniversary of his birth is being marked with the re-issue of his books including one by the English artist Alan Lee , another interpretation of Middle Earth and a saga that endures .
19 On peering through a hole in the wall I saw that Poulette was a strapping Ardennaise , performing her duties admirably , but that her poor master was having to press so hard to keep the plough in the soil that the entire weight of his body was being taken by his arms and he was advancing across the vineyards behind Poulette with his feet off the ground .
20 Where private care is offered by private employment agencies , central control is already being exerted under the Employment Agencies Act but local authorities do need to monitor the performance of whatever scheme is being operated and ensure that gaps in provision are identified and filled .
21 If the votes are 50% , 30% and 20% for parties A , B and C respectively , then PR means that Party A must have 50% of the seats , Party B 30% and Party C 20% — or if not exactly those percentages , then percentages as close to them as is possible within the constraints of whatever system is being used .
22 The difference applies regardless of what drug is being used , and it is still visible when they are not under the influence .
23 Even in Catholic churches people are complaining that statues of Our Lady are being discarded .
24 The bulk of our assistance is being directed through the European Community technical and emergency assistance pro-grammes .
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