Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] during the " in BNC.

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1 There was general acquiescence in the closure of the Canals during the two world wars suggesting that the extremity of the crisis justified an extreme response .
2 As the boundaries of the relevant area are straight lines it can be evaluated quite simply : and so the average torque can be found from : To allow for slight changes in the load torque , due to wear of the components during the system 's working life , the constant frequency clock would be set between 90 and 100 steps .
3 Jimmy Knapp , leader of the National Union of Railwaymen , argues that his members who took action in support of the miners during the coal strike had a genuine interest in the fight to keep pits open : fewer mines mean fewer coal trains .
4 It has been said that the Court should consider an interim sum ‘ which would alleviate or mitigate the sufferings or hardships of the pursuer as a result of the injuries during the interim period until the case is finally decided ’ but , more recently , some judges have been persuaded that there is no reason why the interim payment should be restricted to the period up to the date of Proof and that if some estimate of the full value of the claim can be made , the pursuer is entitled to receive a significant portion thereof .
5 And we 'll er inform them of erm the state of the flats during the night , whether it was quiet busy , erm anything we 've seen knocking about , erm and things in general .
6 Detailed observations were carried out on the behaviour of the students during the actual course , and both students and teachers were interviewed as to their feelings in participating in this form of instruction .
7 Everyone said that the priest had encouraged many of the burnings during the twenties .
8 Despite the fall of Cromwell , the evangelicals had survived the attacks of the conservatives during the early 1540s and managed to maintain an important presence on both the council and the privy chamber .
9 Not only do they reflect the significance of each part of the ancient ritual , but also the solemn chant of the singers during the ceremonies and later the raucous shouts of the guests at the feast .
10 I listened well to the meaning of the questions during the interview .
11 However , if your left heel lifts during the backswing or both feet remain firmly planted at the top , bracing the right foot , leg and hip during the backswing remains crucial to the working of the legs during the forward swing .
12 She told her many tales of the days during the Great War when John was a baby and he and his mother had lived with her and Lawrie , as they sat together , Sally holding a skein of white wool while Anne wound it into a ball .
13 The free-ranging behaviour of the police during the miner 's strike , for instance , provoked some alarm , since it appeared to negate the traditional approach to freedom of movement around the country .
14 What was the role of the police during the strike ?
15 The use of the airbrakes during the final turn should be discussed and pilots should be encouraged to try it if they are too high .
16 Despite this tension the Patriotic Front and the PLO had a deeply politicizing effect on the inhabitants of the territories during the period 1973–5 .
17 The youth was certainly one of the vagabond gipsies , and it looked as if he had been spying out Farmer Yatton 's land , for the very next morning Angela 's daddy came into the farmhouse with the news that several sacks of potatoes and a quantity of oats had been stolen from one of the storehouses during the night .
18 The northward movement and intensification of the monsoons during the early Holocene were apparently sufficient to shift this boundary 600–700km northwards into southern Egypt .
19 Just as the phonetician may wish to make a more detailed , more specific description of the [ b ] under consideration , for example mentioning delayed onset of voicing and some protrusion of the lips during the period of closure , so may the ethnographer wish to specify some of the contextual features in great detail .
20 This involves either going through the transcript with the child 's caretakers and inviting comments and interpretations on specific utterances , or playing the recording back and making detailed notes about movements and activities of the participants during the recording period .
21 Interestingly enough Larry Witty , the General Secretary of the Labour Party , said at last year 's Labour Party Conference that if it had not been for the steadily , steady influence of the unions during the eighties , when the Party was tearing itself in two , we would not have a Labour Party today .
22 The conditions of the farm-workers during the 1890s made gleaning essential : a loss of the gleaned corn would have meant actual hunger to many a farm-worker 's family during the ensuing year .
23 They only relinquish this extreme form of isolation for a brief coming together of the sexes during the breeding season and then return to their separate lives once more .
24 Milner-Gibson had made nine solo landings in recces of the beaches during the three weeks before the raid , but on the night his boat 's compass proved faulty and others lost their way .
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