Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pintsch had become an addict of the hobby early in the thirties , as had most of his friends .
2 Another adviser saw the purpose of the self-appraisal chiefly in terms of providing documentation and allowing schools to explain what they are doing :
3 When he woke from an exhausted sleep Greg had — he felt — one piece of the jigsaw definitively in place : the letter from Walter Machin to Hilda dated 2 June 1939 was a fake .
4 Finding Faith Today is a major report on evangelism , based on research carried out by the Bible Society on behalf of the Church Together in England .
5 He grabbed it and held it before his face and in doing so spilled most of the powder all over the front of his fancy tweed jacket .
6 Queen 's Bench Masters ' Practice Direction of 25 March , 1988 requires that where an order is made transferring an action from the Queen 's Bench Division to a county court , the party having carriage of the order by himself or his solicitor shall forthwith produce at the Filing Department of the Central Office the order transferring the action and shall file : ( 1 ) a copy of the order transferring the action ; ( 2 ) a statement of the names and addresses of the parties and of their solicitors ; ( 3 ) copies of any pleadings served ; ( 4 ) if he is the plaintiff and has not served a statement of claim , particulars of his claim together with a copy for each defendant ; ( 5 ) if he is the defendant and only a counterclaim is transferred and no counterclaim has been served , particulars of the counterclaim together with a copy for the plaintiff ; ( 6 ) where money has been paid into court , a copy of the notice of payment into court ; ( 7 ) a statement of the index numbers of any affidavits filed .
7 by carrying some of the profit forward from last year to this year .
8 Any edging of the conflict either towards war between Syria and Israel or towards a peace settlement spelt danger for Jordan .
9 Certainly the Catholic Church had a vested interest in Aristotelian philosophy , but much of the conflict ostensibly between science and religion turns out to have been between new science and the sanctified science of the previous generation .
10 The stored program concept , the realization that instructions can be encoded and held in the store of the computer together with the data being operated on , is an important one for two reasons .
11 To most westerners it may appear as a mere decorative embellishment reflecting the ubiquitous presence of the Cobra all over India , or possessing some remote significance in terms of local superstition or religious belief .
12 Of the rest , over 500 are listed as road cars , so the thought of the Cobra purely as a racer is something of a myth .
13 Half fill the pot with moist soil , and put some damp rotting leaves or damp dead bark on top of the soil together with a slice or two of potato .
14 In the past Gates had claimed to have heard rumours of the operation only on Oct. 1 , 1986 , less than seven weeks before it became public .
15 But there are signs of haste in the recording or editing process — at 23'04 ’ in the first movement ( eight bars after fig. 69 ) the first piccolo appears to play G and A flat together , as though two takes have been momentarily overlaid ; then there is a stray timpani stroke at 9′52″ in the third movement , what sounds like a stray clonk on the xylophone at 3′54″ in the finale , and , most unfortunate of all , a discrepancy of tuning between the timpani and the rest of the orchestra later in this movement ( at 4′25″ , in the return of the introduction ) .
16 Possibly de Moivre was one of Bayes 's teachers , so that Bayes may have learned of the problem directly from him , although he may equally have encountered it first in his writings or in the Observations on Man , His Frame , His Duty , And His Expectations ( 1749 ) by David Hartley [ q.v . ] .
17 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
18 The first two of those were also included were made public , they are in the issue 's papers it did not make public the county council 's proposal as to who should be participants for each topic since those were matters for the the panel er to ma take a view of and I understood er from er the question er the answer to the question that it had been made clear that er the information had been made public except as always Chairman , er our legal office 's of the council always like that caveat that in case anything had been missed out I had just in fact suggested that perhaps not everything had been made public so I anticipated a possible supplementary question from Mr .
19 1.1 You are employed in the service of the Council initially at … but following consultation and mutual agreement with the appropriate trade union you may be required to service at another of the Council 's establishments .
20 Using census data , scores were derived for areas of the country either on the basis of ward or enumerator district ( with average populations of 5327 and 450 respectively ) and extra money is provided to practices with a higher proportion of factors perceived by a representative sample of doctors to equate to high patient demand .
21 the old Anti-Slavery Society committee [ was not prompted ] to make a vigorous opposition to the grant of Twenty Millions and one parliamentary leader T. F. Buxton felt so much doubt upon the propriety of turning the attention of the country prominently to it that there was on this subject a want of cordial cooperation with those who wished to make use of it to its full extent .
22 ‘ I want you to get Sanders out of the country just before next week 's EPC meeting and keep him out until after the meetin 's over .
23 According to a potential erosion hazard map produced by Stocking ( 1975 ) , a modified version of which is given in Fig. 7.3 , the areas with the highest erosion potential are located mainly in the northern part of the country especially in the Zambesi Valley and the Mutoko District .
24 The Albanian authorities , however , strenuously denied reports alleging popular unrest centred on Shkodër , Albania 's second largest city , in the north of the country close to the Yugoslav border .
25 Belief in these three Pates is said to have been very deep-rooted in Greece , and apparently survived in parts of the country almost till the present day , where birth customs included rites to propitiate these goddesses .
26 Right from the beginning , we argued that the revolutionary process in El Salvador could only be carried out through a popular war in which the incorporation of the civil population is essential When we take over a village or settlement and the enemy forces are ousted … we begin the work of consciousness raising about the situation of the country together with the work of organizing the local population .
27 The Declaration undoubtedly broke new constitutional ground when it stated that " the raising or keeping of a standing army within this kingdom in time of peace unless it be with the consent of Parliament is against the law " ; the Militia Acts of 1661 and 1662 had invested control of the armed forces in the hands of the monarch alone with no suggestion that Parliamentary consent was needed to maintain an army in peace time .
28 Right femur , tibia and fibula and bones of right foot were in anatomical with regard to each other , the limb lying stretched along the right side of the trunk but with head of the femur close to the skull .
29 ‘ De Craon is there , ’ Selkirk rasped and pointed to a figure at the centre of the galley just between the two masts .
30 Brush the top sheet of the stack lightly with butter .
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