Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I was going to that night of the dance and then I thought it was a bad time with it being Christmas and the New Year coming right afterwards .
2 It pitched just short of the green and lazily rolled all the way into the cup .
3 Seve 's drive was 50 yards from the front of the green and about 40 yards from the middle of the Open course fairway , but he was on the right side — do n't forget all his careful planning on studying the rough beforehand — which means he 's now coming back into the wind .
4 In the circumstances , he made a fair pass at the ball and got it into a reasonable spot about fifteen yards short of the edge of the green and about thirty yards from the hole .
5 He obliged by hitting a vast drive about fifty yards beyond Harley 's , who then got his second shot just on to the front edge of the green and about forty feet from the flag .
6 The aesthetic quality of the results will depend heavily on the artistic ability of the user but even these skills can be developed in time
7 One advantage of using a hearing-aid is in hearing one 's own voice ‘ from the outside ’ — the aid microphone picks up the voice of the user as well as voices of other people .
8 ‘ Extraction ’ applies to the form of the communication as well as to the content .
9 All around him , not only on the huge main trunk of the tree but also on all the big branches that grew out of it , other tiny windows were opening and tiny faces were peering out .
10 It is also likely that the composition of the lacquer is affected by the age of the tree and when and where the material was collected .
11 ‘ The rootstock controls the vigour of the tree and how early it crops , ’ explains Joan .
12 I think this is rightly so , but there is an advantage to knowing to being slightly more explicit about how you 're doing it , and I think that if a lot of the evaluation that already went on in schools became a little bit more explicit and a little bit more open , it would be much easier for people outside the schools to realize the extent at which schools were themselves already engaging in evaluation .
13 His marriage , too , although it presumably owed much to Gloucester , also allied him with the Percies , since his new brother-in-law lord Scrope was not only a neighbour of the duke but also a Percy retainer .
14 His marriage , too , although it presumably owed much to Gloucester , also allied him with the Percies , since his new brother-in-law lord Scrope was not only a neighbour of the duke but also a Percy retainer .
15 There was also one piece of the jigsaw that now slotted into place : before June died , he took LSD in controlled circumstances with a therapist : ‘ I became conscious of very early emotions about not being wanted — feeling that I was a problem to my family as an infant . ’
16 To line the can , cut out a rectangle of paper as long as the circumference of the can and as wide as its depth .
17 A cup of foaming vitriol had been prepared for my anointing by the infant 's grandmother , who was the mother of the Guider and a member of the church although not present on this occasion .
18 He , too , conceived his task to involve the protection not only of the church but also of the realm , which was , after all , both a papal fief and the kingdom of a crusader .
19 There was a great yearning among lay people to understand in terms of their own vernacular this inner experience of the faith , which , through the institutional influence of the Church , formally governed the structure of their lives , although their education may not have been such as to enable them to cope with the official language of the Church or highly intellectual theological exposition .
20 To glorify the love felt for another man 's wife was to flout contemporary notions of obedience and authority , the authority of the church as well as the authority of the husband .
21 Er , to talk about what you think about the ministry of the church as well .
22 For instance the chronological grouping of particular watermarks has revealed that a small portrait of Petrus Sylvius , Saskia 's cousin , was printed twice : once in 1637 , which is the date below Rembrandt 's signature this was on the occasion of Sylvius 's move from Amsterdam to Friesland after he had been received as a minister of the church and again , in an unaltered state still carrying the date of 1637 much later , in 1653 .
23 We trooped off round the back of the church and up into a small raised garden where there were indeed some benches .
24 The captain nodded his agreement , turned , ran to the back of the church and up the stone stairs to the safety of the tower .
25 After a greeting Cnut announces that he will be a gracious lord and will support the rights of the church and just secular law .
26 In return he gave them other ground at the rear of the church and also on the right-hand side of the new road and bordering Killicomaine Road .
27 Hugh you have shown throughout all of your work a deep concern for the people working abroad for our partner churches and for our ecumenical relations and the need to keep these matters to the fore of the church and also of our country .
28 Similarly , on retreats such as this one , the fire of the Holy Spirit has an opportunity to burn away the dross of the Church and even of doctrine that may obscure the faith that is central to all we believe and hope for .
29 Thus ended Stamford 's prestigious university history , destroyed first by the vengeance of the church and later by the jealousy of Oxford University .
30 It had been faced and dealt with in the early centuries of the church and later along the lines that the inspiration of the Bible did not mean that God simply dictated the words , or that the authors ceased to be human and fallible .
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