Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [v-ing] been " in BNC.

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1 One of the most interesting features of the building is the Trivulzio chapel through which the basilica is entered , its position on the original façade of the church having been responsible for the loss of the early , Romanesque , frontage .
2 In fact , in 1932–33 , without all the goals of the FFYP having been achieved , 6.7 million workers and employees were working in Soviet factories , an increase of more than 110% over that of 1928 , and of 65% over the planned number of workers !
3 Karimov decreed a reduction in prices affecting students , and an increase in their grants ( one of the principal grievances of the demonstrators having been that the student grant had not kept pace with prices ) .
4 A member of the Institute having been found to have been in breach of Bye-law 76(c) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he between 1 January 1985 and 30 March 1992 engaged in public practice contrary to Bye-law 59 when he did not hold a current practising certificate was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
5 To prove contrary evidence it was necessary to have either positive proof that the document was returned to the sender or , if sent by recorded delivery , that there was no acknowledgement of receipt , or if there was evidence of the document having been received by some person , there was proof that the person was not the intended recipient and that he had not brought the document to the notice of the person required to be served .
6 Elsewhere , be sure to see the full-size portrait of the writer ( known as Il Grande , by the Italians ) by de Notaris , completed after Manzoni 's death , the exact dimensions of the man having been collected by post-mortem measuring .
7 The debtor obtained an order from the county court that the statutory demand and bankruptcy petition be set aside on the ground that the service of the statutory demand had contravened the provision in section 69(1) of the Solicitors Act 1974 that ‘ no action shall be brought ’ to recover any costs due to a solicitor within one month of the bill having been delivered .
8 I say this because , of the several versions of the ‘ right of silence ’ contained in the list previously given , only the fifth hinges upon the fact of the suspect having been charged ; and that is an immunity against being asked questions of any kind .
9 Those dependent on state benefits have fared particularly badly during the 1980s , eligibility conditions having been made more stringent and the rates of many of the benefits having been cut .
10 The last few years have seen a tremendous amount of' reconstruction , both internally and externally , some parts of the building having been perilously close to collapse .
11 Although many valuable religious icons had not been removed , there was sufficient evidence of the building having been ransacked for the police to refuse to rule out robbery as a possible motive .
12 The shop bell had tinkled frequently for the past hour , most of the customers having been the ha'penny and penny ones , some of whom were now standing outside at the shop window oohing and aahing at the Christmas goodies displayed there , all entwined with coloured streamers and illuminated by the two gas lamps attached to the side wall of the shop and plopping inside their pretty pink glass globes , while casting a rosy light overall , even over the small faces pressed against the window .
13 Charles admired the skill with which the old pro conveyed an air of ease and relaxation , of the company having been one happy family , of the great fun he had had rehearsing for the show .
14 Jesus took Peter , James and John into the garden , the rest of the disciples having been told to wait for them .
15 Rear seat belts remained intact and attached , with no signs of distress or marking indicative of the belts having been highly loaded , except for a failure of the left seat belt buckle .
16 I regret to say that in consequence of the contents having been packed before they were thoroughly dry they are all in a badly mildewed state , so much so that I shall have to dry each specimen individually and remove the mildew with a brush : the smallest of the two large skins has also lost the whole of the wool or hair from the head ; The bottles too not having been properly secured , the spirit has escaped and caused the small boxes to fall to pieces forming an heterogenous mixture of nests , eggs broken and sound , tops , bottoms , and sides of boxes , plants , etc .
17 Disillusion set in as awareness spread that the Government had its own agenda , much of the groundwork having been prepared in opposition by a Labour Party study group which shortly before the election had published a report titled Crime — a challenge to us all .
18 But nothing could be done until the MoD had considered the Devonport bid , which was submitted last month in spite of the refitting having been earmarked for Fife in the so-called core programme for the Scottish yard .
19 Since then , the College has enjoyed continuous royal patronage , the title of the office having been changed from ‘ president ’ to ‘ patron ’ in 1956 , following the different system of government resulting from the College 's new Charter .
20 Passing sentence , Lord Justice MacDermott described the case as unusual , saying there was no record of any of the weapons having been used in terrorism , and they were not ready to use immediately .
21 I , I think Chairman that as , as we come out of the recession an and th that the overall erm level er quantity of development taking place increases , then we are almost bound to see perhaps more affordable housing erm in absolute terms , although I do n't see any opportunity of there being a a major hiccup in proportional terms , so I , I , like you , I think I remain er pessimistic er regarding the , the , the overview , although we might see er a turning up of the er of the graph having been bumping along the bottom for a little time a little while .
22 We arrive to witness a near riot — the dull hungry eyes of the children having been lit up by fear that the food is about to run out .
23 One example is the Bodo skull , which created a stir last year when White described cut marks around it that were consistent with the owner of the skull having been scalped .
24 ( b ) Holding outsalaried partners In the United Bank of Kuwait case no particular consideration was given to the consequences of the undertaking having been given by a salaried partner .
25 As for the letters of confirmation and negotiating the arrangements of the loan , Feigen states that in her sworn depositions Hildenbrand admitted that she had forged the museum director 's agreement regarding the loan , the letterhead having been taken off a business card and the signature of the director having been forged .
26 In spite of the charter having been called in and the old Puritan ruling party apparently crushed , he rapidly attained considerable influence , as was sourly noted by the ardently imperialistic customs official , Edward Randolph [ q.v . ] .
27 At the close of hostilities that evening A.H.Q. Malta issued a communique stating that since the beginning of the fighting over the island , Malta 's defences had been credited with 132 destroyed , 44 probably destroyed and 58 damaged for the loss of 29 fighters , ten of the pilots having been saved .
28 Before commencing it should be emphasized that when a geologist talks of a volcano having been recently active , he means that it has been active within the last ten thousand years .
29 Mr. A. Harman , confidential clerk at the brewery , wrote to Whitbread saying that the Attorney-General ( Spencer Perceval ) had stated that he knew of no security having been given for the sum of money in Mr. Whitbread 's will .
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