Example sentences of "of [adj] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I feel it is our duty to try to get — I will not say on our side but to work with us — the section of Labour which is national and imperialistic ( Applause ) We have got to get on our side if we can , the section of Labour which recognises that for all classes , employers and employed , production is the one thing to be aimed at ( Applause ) , and that anything which is detrimental to that is detrimental to anybody .
2 There has never been a day , nor yet an hour , when I have not ached for the loss of that which existed before Lucifer led his followers against the gods .
3 Out of that you see and my insurance and all that is n't it .
4 It also feared that a coalition with the anti-fascist forces might create similar problems to those which the Labour government of 1929–3 I faced when relying upon Liberal support to carry out a legislative programme .
5 In support of this they indicate that there have been worries about the ability of the Monopolies Commission to maintain consistency across its investigations .
6 They wanted to learn and because of this they used and developed their skills — they measured , weighed , compared and counted , they kept notes and discussed their findings .
7 In spite of this we rejoice that we are so richly blessed with good an generous friends throughout this City and beyond that we can give £14,340 to Christian Aid .
8 She found that she was bringing more and more discipline to her writing for the Clarion , and thinking of this she noticed that it was the Clarion which Dr Neil was reading , or pretending to read , for her new awareness told her that , too .
9 And I never went to hospital because me cousin was a nurse who 'd er you know got married and so she er proffered to nurse me which she did and er the then er health people in allowed me to stay at home because of this you see and I was at home and er that was in nineteen sixteen .
10 Those that have substantial incomes should not be in a position to take up houses that might otherwise be allocated to those on a lower income and Mr Mayor i as a result of this I feel that that I would urge this council , although I suspect I shall be unsuccessful , in supporting this motion .
11 Yeah not too bad , a bit sort of groggy I think cos I was up
12 When the late Conservative administration did its sums at the end of 1963 it found that its future programme worked out at an annual rate of increase of 4.1 per cent .
13 Apart from the ‘ Hands off Russia ’ campaign of 1920 he feels that the British working class had never thought or acted internationally and , ‘ For two and a half years they watched their comrades in Spain slowly strangled , and never aided even with a single strike . ’
14 In the first half of 1853 he initiated or sanctioned three responses : " He appealed to Great Britain for support , and took out of the lumber room the forgotten agreement of 1844 " ; he sent an emissary to Constantinople for bilateral talks ; and he began to make plans for fighting .
15 Two of these they spotted as the German pilots began diving onto the Hurricanes tails , and at the right moment Westmacott carried out a hard climbing turn , coming out behind one of the Messerschmitts as it began to pull up .
16 He 's , he 's , he 's , he 's one of these you get if you are n't careful you can get so committed with
17 By the end of 1941 it looked as though the Communists and their supporters had established the monopoly over the Left for which they had been striving since their foundation .
18 In his autobiography A Little Learning ( 1964 ) Waugh was to observe that at the age of sixteen he noticed that his publisher father , ‘ whom I had grown up to accept with complete simplicity ’ , was in fact a highly gifted actor in everything he did .
19 In the autumn of 1950 it seemed that the Korean crisis was well on the way to a solution .
20 By the closing weeks of 1950 it seemed that the Chinese might be about to win an outright victory in all of Korea .
21 First of all we SUFFERED that defeat last Saturday next I knacker my ankle playing on Sunday and lastly I arrive in Northampton on Monday morning to find that we could only get tickets for Arsenal end on Tuesday ( So Gavin it was n't me being escorted away by the men in black , even though it the current season does n't improve quickly I might be escorted by mem in white . )
22 But most of all we realised that if skill , fitness and commitment are not enough , we would ‘ just need a big spade ’ .
23 Not at all , I thought you might , you remember you had a quick preview of that , a few months ago , and you 'll be pleased to know that the Chief Officers have now decided that the best way of dealing with it is for each , no first of all they decided that they 'll recommend two members for the signing of the charter , that 's the first step , it 's quite a step forward , remembering they .
24 First of all they say that if she thinks that they 're waxworks she should pay , and then they say that if she thinks that they are real , she should be talking to them .
25 Their tales of legendary warriors and kings , Roland , Guillaume d'Orange , Arthur and Charlemagne , of their great conquests and their deeds of arms and chivalry , were meant to stir the hearts of all who listened and move them to live their own lives according to the pattern set by the heroes of the past .
26 One aim of experiments is to search for a compact spelling which can show sound and meaning as directly as possible , meet the needs of all who learn and use it , and is still close to existing spelling which has , so to speak , been ‘ cleaned up ’ .
27 The kingdom of God , he said , could be seen in the hearts of all who love and obey God now .
28 Wide-ranging though the Quality Scotland Foundation 's work is , its commitment to the promotion and demonstration of the benefits of quality to the advantage of all who live and work in Scotland is fundamental to all it does .
29 Most of all he learnt that there was no danger .
30 … first of all I agree that a £5 annual fee for The Lifeboat seems to be very reasonable and would be acceptable to most readers .
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