Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the potential loss of economic activity from more peripheral areas , it is not necessarily the case that such further concentration in core regional economies should be viewed as in any way desirable .
2 AT a time when sectarian murder gangs are running rampant , it seems churlish to decline any offer of political assistance from abroad .
3 Detailed clauses ensured that ( i ) the President once elected could not be a member of a political party ; ( ii ) the military were denied seats in the Senate ; ( iii ) members of the Securitate and militia bodies guilty of repression and public officials guilty of abuses were not eligible for election ; ( iv ) candidates for election to the Assembly of Deputies had to be over 21 years of age and for the presidency and Senate over 30 , with no upper age limit ; ( v ) prisoners and the mentally handicapped were not eligible for election or to vote ; ( vi ) independent candidates were eligible to stand for the Senate and Assembly if supported by at least 250 electors and for the presidency if supported by 100,000 electors ; ( vii ) the votes of Romanian citizens abroad via diplomatic missions , consulates or trade agencies would be treated as votes cast in the city of Bucharest ; ( viii ) the financing of political parties from abroad was forbidden ; ( ix ) strict procedures would be applied to check and validate nominations ; ( x ) hours of polling would be from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m .
4 For example , researchers may attempt to obtain a series of lengthy in-depth interviews with senior buyers or decision-makers in industrial organisations , whilst consumer market research might concentrate on getting a limited amount of specific information from as large a sample as possible from the relevant population .
5 The Thatcher record since 1979 has been accompanied by a good deal of inflationary rhetoric from both supporters and critics .
6 A hugely impressive return of eight goals from just 11 games is a true reflection of his amazing turnaround and it has already made him one of the buys of the season , even at that sizeable price tag .
7 Postcards are labour-intensive , difficult to maintain and staff may find them intensely irritating to serve to customers , but to be able to generate over 20% of total sales from less than 10% of floor space , gives a turnover per square foot that most of us can only dream of .
8 The conference , jointly sponsored by the US and the Soviet Union , was to take place within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 242 , adopted in 1967 [ see pp. 22473 ; 25029 ] , calling for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from recently occupied territories and for the recognition of Israel , and Resolution 338 of 1973 , which called for negotiations to implement Resolution 242 .
9 My guess is that he is a receiver of stolen cars from all over the country .
10 The ‘ fan out ’ of possible paths from highly rated , but incorrect word hypotheses is considerable , and we have no easy way of telling when the correct hypothesis has been reached .
11 As Carrie was pouring out the tea , Mr Carver came back into the room , followed by his wife , and he said to Mick , ‘ Stay out of that scullery from now on .
12 The large temples , Knossos , Phaistos , Zakro and Mallia , must have depended on an income of agricultural produce from fairly extensive rural hinterlands , from many villages , many estates .
13 These trading companies handle about half of all Japanese exports and approximately 65 per cent of imports which means that they can arrange the purchase of raw materials from abroad , organize the export of finished goods as well as marketing within Japan .
14 He argued that even the procurement of raw materials from abroad should be subject to government control .
15 At Highlander , workshops of this sort of cultural exchange play a critical role in reaching across the natural human barriers which we can expect to find when a number of different people from widely different communities , cultural backgrounds , and economic and social circumstances are thrown together for a weekend to discuss their common problems in an attempt to find solutions .
16 On Feb. 7 the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali announced sweeping changes to the structure of the UN Secretariat , cutting the number of top departments from over 20 to eight , and reducing the number of first and second-level jobs from 48 to 32 .
17 The tree is the first of a glade of forty species from all over the world .
18 Particularly worrying was the thought of British withdrawals from strategically important parts of the world .
19 From a national movement designed to revolutionize the political structure of the nation , the BUF had degenerated into an organization which became increasingly dependent on a localized campaign playing on anti-immigrant racial populist themes , which was to be the main pattern of British fascism from then onwards .
20 Such a strategy would involve the provision of more facilities at , and better access to , under-used sites and the removal of some facilities from heavily used areas to reduce recreational pressure and to promote recovery .
21 S. Donato at Zadar in Yugoslavia is an early church of this type from c. 812–876 .
22 But what differentiates the earlier part of this century from either the present or the early nineteenth century is that these problems did not all coalesce into one disturbing image of a threatening , dangerous , and disorderly criminal class .
23 ‘ You heard of this place from as far afield as the capital city ?
24 For example , in the case of housework the omission of this topic from both family sociology and the sociology of work clearly conveys a distorted impression of women 's situation .
25 Marjorie Wallace ( 1985 ) has collected accounts from seventy-five families of schizophrenic sufferers from all over the country , who paint a harrowing tale of fear , loss and powerlessness as they watch a member of their family gradually disintegrate .
26 The causes of the tides need hardly concern us here , except to state that the interaction of the solar and lunar gravitational effects , the shape of the oscillating basins , i.e. the seas and the oceans , the earth 's rotation , and the modification imposed upon tides by coastal configuration produces tides of varying range from virtually nil in many oceanic situations to very high figures at the head of certain bays and estuaries , for example 15 m ( 50 ft ) at the head of the Bay of Fundy and 12 m ( 40 ft ) at Avonmouth in the Bristol Channel .
27 This not only boosted confidence in the sentencer 's own unique ability to reach the right result ( Parker et al. , 1999 : ch. 5 ) , but also emphasized the inviolability of the sentencing function in the face of perceived interference from outside .
28 The fate of the War Aims Memorandum revealed clearly the tension between pacifist conceptions of democratic diplomacy from below , and Henderson 's concern to use the ‘ political weapon ’ to supplement Allied military power .
29 In the case of the conscientious war-tax protester it is difficult to conceive of any such competing right which may be plausibly argued against them since their action neither threatens direct violence to others nor does it appear significantly to increase the risk of violent attack from elsewhere .
30 There are exciting possibilities for the purchase of additional locomotives from abroad .
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