Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In nine chapters he takes a score of technical topics always in the news and explains them clearly and readably .
2 Although a satisfactory account of these models requires a level of technical exposition well beyond the scope of this book , the basic question which they attempted to answer is quite simple to grasp .
3 Exactly when the new Swindon service will come into operation depends on the results of technical tests currently under way in the London area .
4 Exactly when the new Swindon service will come into operation depends on the results of technical tests currently under way in the London area .
5 The equality-inequality axis : an egalitarian structure involves the division of parental property equally among all of their children ( or all of their male children in some cases ) , whereas the unequal structure sees the parental property unevenly divided .
6 However , the evolution of mankind has reached the point where it is better to leave religion behind , for it does comprise ‘ a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality , such as we find in an isolated form nowhere else but in amentia , in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion ’ .
7 Nowadays he just smoked all night ( the same brand as Madame ) and kept a glass of iced water constantly beside him — Little David would keep it fresh and cold without being asked .
8 Those discussions took place the same day in G-5 Section at AFHQ , reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer Gen Robertson , on the subject of " Disposal of Displaced Persons etc in N Italy and Austria " [ KP 222 ] .
9 Five days earlier , on 22 May , it will be recalled , a discussion had taken place in G-5 at AFHQ on the " Disposition of Displaced Persons etc in N Italy and Austria " which had concluded that " no Jugoslavs … who have come into the hands of Allied troops will be returned to Jugoslavia against their will " .
10 I applaud the impartial stance of the General Medical Council , mirrored in the ‘ Alaska law , ’ which states : ‘ the Board may not base a finding of professional incompetence solely on the basis that a licensee 's practice is unconventional or experimental , in the absence of demonstrable physical harm to the patient . ’
11 As I have pointed out , AIB require a very high standard of professional knowledge either as a pilot or as an engineer before accepting someone as an investigator .
12 The development of resource-based learning brings the question of a revision of professional roles sharply into focus .
13 John Aubrey Lear , 84 , died after saying farewell to a group of retired friends off on a walk at Reeth in Swaledale , near Richmond .
14 The Commonwealth Immigrants Act came into force in 1962 ; hence from that time onward , the proportion of British-born Caribbeans out of the total Caribbean population of Britain began to rise considerably .
15 ‘ Our region has one of the lowest number of long-wait patients anywhere in the country .
16 Those who believe in the Christian God believe that the cause of suffering lies somewhere in our relationship with that God : part of that relationship lies in our links with other human beings .
17 The objective of this association was to promote the adoption of the instruction of deaf children not through the use of sign language or any method that used it as then prevailed in many countries including the U.S.A. and Britain , but through oral methods to the total exclusion of sign language altogether .
18 His firm commitment to flexibilIty in the education of deaf people contributed significantly to the surging emancipation of deaf children everywhere from the yoke of generations of denial .
19 The seventh text is a further condemnation , this time relating to war : ‘ any act of war aimed indiscriminately at the destruction of entire cities or of extensive areas along with their population is a crime against God and man himself .
20 Not surprisingly Edward was soon facing increasing demands to accept a number of reforming ordinances along with a commission to implement them ; predictably Gaveston 's exile was the key stipulation .
21 Mr Rushdie said that leaders of Labour parties elsewhere in the world had declared overt passionate support for this issue .
22 This prediction failure is , in turn , the result of a series of unanticipated actions by the monetary authorities , that is , unanticipated departures from the policy rule which had governed the conduct of monetary policy down to period .
23 Five male and six female hypertensives were never treated with antihypertensive drugs — four because pressure fell when a cause was removed ( one was given a renal transplant and three stopped oral contraception ) , four because patients refused , and three because no treatment programme was ever organised ( one of these died of intercurrent disease soon after diagnosis , and the other two both had predominant alcohol problems ) .
24 It may or not surprise you that there is already an element of regional Government actually in the U K already and since development is the issue that the Labour Group has raised , we 'll take the work of the Development Association , which I was involved in in the mid eighties and which actually does some good work to actually bring industry actually to this region .
25 To these a sixth can be added : 1979–82 , which signalled the demise of regional policy both in ideological and economic terms .
26 Another persuasive defence of economic reforms yesterday by Mr Yegor Gaidar , First Deputy Prime Minister , may have been enough to have seen off remaining threats .
27 A wide range of factors shaped how people aligned themselves politically — from personal considerations or considerations of economic self-interest through to political or religious conviction — and the way these factors interrelated could differ over time to produce shifting patterns of popular allegiance .
28 The M25 , M4 , M40 and other road developments have proved a powerful stimulus to the dispersal of economic activity away from traditional urban centres and the emergence of severe development pressures in parts of Kent , Berkshire , Hertfordshire , Oxfordshire and other counties .
29 Motorway and road construction has proved a major incentive to industrial and commercial growth and the dispersal of economic activity away from major urban centres into the surrounding countryside .
30 Sunlight converted into useable energy by photovoltaic cells is of economic value only in countries with a lot of sunshine .
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