Example sentences of "of [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You thought your chance of handling my account depended on how well you handled my — ’
2 CND was accused of using its computer to record the political activities of its 60 000 members , to allocate them to local groups and check on their attendance at meetings .
3 In the years after 1369 the king more and more sought the company of his privata familia , a small group of his personal followers , some of whom were suspected , perhaps rightly , of using their position to enrich themselves .
4 In complete contrast on windless days it is a case of using your ingenuity to make the best of favourable currents and limited sail capacity .
5 He arrived at Narok ‘ with the intention of using his influence to bring the Moran to reason ’ , and left several weeks later with a promise that the recruits would be forthcoming .
6 Chief among those dismissed and allegedly involved in scandals was Pedro Paulo Leoni Ramos , Secretary for Strategic Affairs , who was accused of using his influence to win contracts from the state oil firm PÉTROBRAS for companies run by personal friends .
7 Concepcion had been widely accused of using his office to promote the interests of his family .
8 In a long dissertation it might be justified as a way of helping your reader remember your starting point ; in a short essay , however , it is redundant and simply shows that you do n't know how to finish .
9 At only 11 he was burdened with the responsibility of helping his mother cope while trying to support his younger brother .
10 She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters : from her mother dying when she was six years old , through to the latest traumas of seeing her cat killed by a car and being made redundant .
11 She entered upon the slow crucifixion of seeing her son take the lonely , sad and inevitable road to his cross .
12 Are we all prepared to accept these price increases for the sometimes dubious advantage of seeing our environment improved ?
13 The flats face Carntyne dog track , and I gaze out of the window at the greyhounds as they sprint after the electric hare , then , late in the afternoon , transfer my attention to the road , in the hope of seeing my father appear again with sweeties , and notebooks for me to draw in .
14 Then there is the pain , like another form of death , of seeing your world chronicled by people too young to have lived in it , with the inevitable distortions this must entail .
15 Mr Clay drew eighth in the ballot for private member 's bills , but with only seven Fridays available for second readings has limited chances of seeing his bill made law .
16 David Lloyd clubs , all 7 of them — and more to come — are building their reputation on quality of service , something which has allowed him the entrepreneurial satisfaction of seeing his company expand , when others around him are failing , victims of all the British recession .
17 Tired of seeing his advice passed over .
18 Richard Baxter , for example , recalled in later life a vivid childhood memory of seeing his father reviled by his neighbours for his strict observance of the Lord 's Day , and for ‘ reproving drunkards or swearers ’ .
19 Poshekhonov turned to Holly to have the satisfaction of seeing his joke shared .
20 One of the problems of opposing what deconstruction has had to say about language is that , according to deconstructionists like Miller and de Man , to do so is to oppose language itself .
21 At the wedding ceremony , when the usual problem of naming his father had arisen , John put ‘ Lawrence Tiller ( deceased ) ’ but his son was called Lawrence , was still alive and now a man of twenty-nine , working as general manager in the business .
22 Salter later discovered that the figures on the costs of building his device appeared to have been deliberately misrepresented in order to justify this decision .
23 However Mr Olsen made it clear that the company had no intention of allowing its stake to fall below 50 per cent .
24 You are undoubtedly a good administrator , but you are in danger of allowing your judgement to become warped by your obvious dislike of Agent Red Sixteen .
25 This method of funding travel has the great advantage of allowing your money to earn interest until the moment you need the cash and it is free of charge .
26 In any event the time for sovereigns meeting was long past and in the particular case of Prussia Napoleon III was not being stalked by the King but by Bismarck , who had no intention of allowing his quarry to elude him .
27 In our personal encounter with Christ , we begin to distinguish how we have naturally tried to please him , instead of allowing his love to enter our hearts so that we begin to love him with his gift of love to us .
28 THE post-match critic who wondered if Hibs had come off the team bus moving backwards might have been guilty of allowing his cynicism to get the better of him , but there can be no-one at Easter Road this morning able to derive any satisfaction from the side 's performance at Ibrox .
29 A tough looker is not necessarily a tough fighter , and we should not do him the favour of allowing his warpaint to add to our problems .
30 Across the history of policing their need has always been for the light of research to illuminate the activities of the underprivileged and the powerless , rather than focus upon the élite themselves !
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