Example sentences of "of [verb] [pron] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But it is not fair that your remorse should be turned in the direction of seeking someone else to blame . ’
2 But the main line of attack was that Heseltine should ‘ either put up or shut up ’ — with the apparent intention of forcing him either to keep silent or to declare himself before he was ready .
3 No but I was just sort of testing you out to see , you know , how you reacted .
4 I thought , at first , of Jean Hastie and of summoning her down to deal with this .
5 He must , however , find some way of persuading her not to brag to the other members of the delegation about his suggestions .
6 Apart from that , the Empress had announced that if her husband went , she would accompany him — possibly using this as a means of persuading him not to go .
7 But , eh listen , if , do n't be frighten if there 's anything that you do n't know do n't you be frightened of asking him how to do it
8 And , you know he said I 'm sure Paddy Ashdown would think that you could of found something else to use the other
9 And er they would maybe er devise or make or r find a piece of suitable wood or something to scratch in the garden or in the sand or on a piece of nice soft soil , to make furrows and er imitate maybe what their Dad was doing out in the field and er they had no concept of doing anything else to play really , it was just pretending they were pretending they were grown up and working .
10 The conversion of tram routes to trolleybus operation continued in North and West London and London Transport set up its own team of experts to undertake the overhead wiring work , instead of letting it out to contract .
11 You 'll probably want to talk about it without the embarrassment of having me here to listen .
12 But I am terrified of taking him home to meet the family and particularly my sister , in case he goes the way of all the others .
13 On the other hand , it can be argued that real believers are incapable of distancing themselves sufficiently to carry out an objective study of their own ( or perhaps even of someone else 's ) religion .
14 instead of putting them on to cook put them in to defrost !
15 It might be a way of tempting him down to sit in the bar , sometimes . ’
16 Several of the chapters in this book have had the aim of showing you how to deal with difficult situations and how to get what you want .
17 Though it would be a case of finding someone else to go off with and not just sort of like , I mean we mentioned it years ago .
18 Robyn looked at him and flirted with the idea of telling him where to get off .
19 I could not get over the fact that people were giving me the responsibility of telling them how to get me up , and that I could choose what time I went to bed !
20 So you see , though I would n't dream of advising you how to arrange a bouquet , there are plenty of other areas where my experience could be of help . ’
21 only just sort of see them occasionally to get the inside stories to .
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