Example sentences of "of [noun] which [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He also headed a number of Courtaulds ' textile businesses at different times but it was mainly his knowledge of viscose which earned him a reputation as a leading world authority on the fibre .
2 The model proposed embraces a concept of the aims and process of assessment which acknowledges its inherent complexity and the high level of skill required of practitioners .
3 That in itself is some indication of the influence his life and work still bring to bear — and , perhaps , an equal indication of the lack of progress which makes it still necessary .
4 I have chosen to focus on three types of support which help us to address this question : sharing a household , money and practical support .
5 The following case example is of a patient who was admitted to a psychiatric hospital because of reasons which placed her in both categories ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) .
6 The academy ‘ cut out funding of projects which had nothing to do with military programmes — space research was one victim ’ .
7 the schizophrenic will clearly have a far more intense experience of any given present of the world than we do , since our own present is always part of some larger set of projects which force us selectively to focus our perceptions .
8 Bureaucracies are often credited with a monopoly of expertise which place them in a superior position to lay politicians .
9 The news of the Seren had ignited a bright flame of hope which left her cold and utterly despondent when it shed no light at all on the mystery of her identity .
10 It is the individual and the change of heart which prompts him to participate which matters .
11 Another reason for choosing Collins was the designer 's penchant for wood epoxy construction , an attractive , strong and relatively easy method of building which allows plenty of scope for the interior to be custom-designed and completed to the owner 's specification .
12 Ferdinando surprised her by having someone write a letter for him towards the end of March which made it plain that Mrs Browning had fared no better in Rome than in Siena and was very ill .
13 But the Social Charter has been seriously weakened in the process of bargaining which preceded its adoption — particularly because of the opposition to all of its provisions from the Conservative government in Britain .
14 We share His life through the water of baptism which washes us clean and brings new growth into our lives .
15 Griffith was never as mature an artist as Dickens and he was the product of the frontier rather than a literary city but he had a social theory of sorts , a gift to embody values in stories , and a mastery of technique which allowed him to make every setting dramatically and socially convincing .
16 Here the viewing of the sequence is used as a springboard for a set of activities which follow it .
17 I have my doubts about the latter vision since archivists , librarians and museum creators deal with materials which are differentiated by the type of activities which created them , rather than simply by the physical form of those artefacts .
18 The zoo is now considering a number of proposals which includes one submitted by the staff and another by New Zoo Developments Ltd. along with an in-house plan which the Society has been developing for some time .
19 In likening natural science to religion , Winch is presenting both as ways of ordering experience by means of rules which tell us how to go on .
20 inherit , preserve and pass on a tradition … they engender modes of life , habits of thought and standards of judgement which render them centres of resistance to crude forces which threaten steady and peaceful evolution …
21 What is seldom revealed in the history books , though perfectly easy to verify , is that Darwin 's contribution was less a paper than a rambling series of notes which contained nothing novel , whereas Wallace 's " Ternate " paper was the first complete exposition in writing of " Descent and Divergence with modification through variation and Natural Selection " — which is the very kernel of what has become known as the " Darwinian " theory of evolution .
22 And in France , Irigarayan psychoanalysts attained a degree of visibility which led them to appear , for a short period and to some people , as the whole French women 's liberation movement ( Turkle 1979 , Moi 1987 ) .
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24 After a heavy assault , he took the great city of Toledo which became his chief fortress on the eastern frontier , extending his kingdom still further into Moorish territory .
25 Dr Macdonald was consulted on a series of cases which gave him clues to what was to become an accepted theory .
26 The sun on our backs and bright crystals biting into our feet , the printed pain of a sharp finger edge cutting across the joyful soft warmth of the wind ; the loving immediacy of experience which hurls us free from the containment of assessment , order and code .
27 If the staff : client ratio is low and the environment for care well equipped and attractive , -then you will have to measure this against the breadth of experience which represents your alternative within the NHS .
28 There is also a sizeable literature on explaining the size distribution of income which concerns itself with the specific shape this takes ( positively skewed ( right-hand tail ) and leptokurtic ( hump-shaped ) or leptokurtic lognormal ) , both over different time periods and in different countries .
29 Many of the most popular plants in gardens today fist arrived with the flood of introductions which filled our nurseries and gardens over a fifty-year period .
30 Baker 's sanitary reports on the cholera in Tyneside , and on housing and environmental conditions in Leeds , included a use of maps which brought him to wider notice .
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