Example sentences of "of [noun] that [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The web of skin that unites their toes has become greatly enlarged so that each foot is , in effect , a small parachute .
2 This is the result of my experience and your money and a touch of genius that follows me whatever I do .
3 Better performance in 1993 must be everybody 's objective and despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth that surrounds us there has been plenty happening in our Division in 1992 to put us in good shape for the challenge of 1993 .
4 In these cases the plaintiff is aware of the risk but does not consent to the act of negligence that causes his injury .
5 For it is the importance that the Formalists give to language in their theory of literature that enables them to avoid the difficulties and the fuzziness that they had so disliked in their critical and scholarly predecessors .
6 If we carefully analyse the frequencies contained within speech it is possible to devise a system of rules that allows us to create any given sound from its basic frequencies .
7 It is only the natural caution of paleontologists that prevents them from jumping to startling conclusions .
8 Furthermore , both Lichtheim and Barth provide a critique of Marx 's concept of ideology that treats it as similar to that of Destutt .
9 If you wish to give a capital sum to ACET ( e.g. from an inheritance your have received ) or an amount of money that exceeds your taxable for the tax year of the gift , ACET can still get tax relief on your gift if you enter into a Deposited Covenant arrangement .
10 At least in the post-Gazza era in which we now find ourselves , several soldiers have admitted to a level of fear that makes them cry their eyes out .
11 different type of horse that makes it different for shodding
12 Because er i from the management point of view if you have got four hundred people and you work a lot of overtime that saves you having six or seven hundred people .
13 It is their good fortune to have the luxury of comment without the responsibility of action that enables them to appear more in tune with public feeling than the ideologists of either side of the political spectrum .
14 Thirdly , as for members of the public suing in respect of unlawful action in the public sector , will the Secretary of State confirm that unions have no immunity now for unlawful action in respect of public services and , that , although there may be some doubt about it , the only decided case in law held that the public already have the right to sue in respect of action that affects them ?
15 The definition of feedback that concerns you as Chairman or Hon.
16 They know how to set traps , they know how to ask you questions which will lead you into using emotive words , they will have you on tape , they will also possibly be in a position to edit that tape , and at the end of the day you can not say , ‘ I did n't say that , ’ because I have a piece of tape that says you actually did say it .
17 Many of you , of course , make your contribution in good time , and deserve the cup of tea that helps you to recover from donating your ‘ blood ’ !
18 Kapuscinski generalises : ‘ the degree of consciousness that drives one to demand justice or do something about obtaining it has n't yet been reached . ’
19 It helps if there is a little local parade of shops that covers everything — butchers , bakers , grocers , greengrocers , in particular a pharmacy , newsagents , doctor 's surgery and post office .
20 The latest scientific research has revealed that there is a delicate interplay of hormones that affects our sexual desires .
21 Each of these labels indicates an aspect of study that has something in common , and our use of ‘ information skills ’ includes some parts of all of them ‘ ( p 11 ) .
22 You could almost say there 's a kind of rule that says you ought to write in fairly free verse nowadays and that you 're making a kind of statement if you do n't .
23 I was conscious of rich chaos , the sort of jumble that lures one into a junk-shop knowing that under the piles of objects and above one 's head there are riches to be mined .
24 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
25 When choosing say , a new fridge , do we worry about the power it uses compared with our existing model , or do we go for the one with the clever arrangement of shelves that gives plenty of room for the mineral water ?
26 Is it the fear of wearing in that stout new pair of shoes that keeps us in our old battered brogues ?
27 This is the first piece of fantasy that greets you when you enter the gates of the Studios .
28 The rest of the distant landscape provides a frame of reference that enables us to make fairly accurate judgments of their size .
29 In an age where many people specialize in their work lives , it is the rounded , all-embracing nature of archaeology that makes it such a fascinating and popular pursuit .
30 If you can , try to do some form of exercise that makes you breathe hard for about ten minutes each day .
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