Example sentences of "of [noun] that [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 The Conservative vote is an act of faith that springs from the fear of something worse .
2 This is the wonder and delight of poetry that men from different centuries and far off countries meet in the transcendent .
3 The highly charged politics of national identity that have been occasioned by these developments have been transposed into a higher , shriller key by current concern over the appeal of a wide pan-European disposition tailored to the new range of possibilities that flow from tighter political and economic integration of the European Economic Community .
4 Those who believe that such insistence would ‘ infringe civil liberties ’ should appreciate that this liberty is valueless if wise judgment is so impaired by lack of insight that sufferers from the underlying illness can use this liberty only to their detriment .
5 What is considered the ‘ automobile industry ’ thus becomes a wide variety of technologies evolving toward all sorts of applications that flow from the same strand of technological development toward different markets .
6 In the Waste Land which Eliot eventually produced , the pain of personal resuscitations persists , but that pain is bodied forth using a structure of ideas that results from the coming together in Eliot 's mind of various views of the savage and city .
7 The transcript departed from aspects of the evidence which Reagan had given to the Tower Commission in 1987 , and suggested that he had returned to his earliest explanations of the Iran-contra affair , insisting that he did not trade arms for hostages and had seen not " one iota " of evidence that profits from the operation had been diverted to the contras .
8 The treat here is a view that encompasses a glimpse of Loch Morar , that deep narrow gash of water that snakes from the foothills of Sgurr nan Coireachan to the loch 's namesake settlement of Morar on the coast below Mallaig .
9 Now out in paperback is Joyce Molyneux 's The Carved Angel Cookery Book ( Grafton , £6.99 ) , full of recipes that range from the frankly rib-sticking to the fashionably rib-revealing , from pheasant with pig 's trotters to courgette terrine , and with a whole , wonderful chapter on offal .
10 Putting a cash figure to the loss of employment that results from caring responsibilities is far from straightforward .
11 Management can exercise control with a very small proportionate holding , but their control does not depend on their ownership stake , but on the position of power that results from executive office .
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