Example sentences of "of [noun] for [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 SCOTVEC has written to colleges reminding them of the availability of a devolved system of assessment for awards for which only one college provides the course .
2 To continue to reply to the increasing number of requests for material for Standard Grade and Higher prospects and to this end to develop a limited resource base in the Education Secretary 's office ( beyond our own material ) .
3 They featured ( i ) the reinstatement of the Ministry of Justice ( abolished in 1966 ) , the minister having the right to overturn court rulings ; ( ii ) the guaranteeing to defendants of the assistance on demand of a defence lawyer , including at the investigation stage ; ( iii ) a reduction in the number of capital offences from 34 to 11 ( retaining as capital offences treason , espionage , terrorism , murder and " economic crime " such as sabotage and theft of state property ) , and the exclusion of women from capital punishment ; ( iv ) clearer definition of the crime of agitation and propaganda against the state ( which was no longer to be a capital offence ) , in order to prevent its abuse by the authorities ; ( v ) the redefinition of internment and deportation as penal rather than administrative sanctions ( i.e. requiring a court ruling rather than merely a local authority order ) ; and ( vi ) the introduction of remission for prisoners for good behaviour .
4 Equally , patrons such as Walter Rathenau and banker Carl Fürstenburg advanced sums of money for quarters for a Secession gallery .
5 We argue , however , that the process of search for value for money is politically neutral , even though what is decided in that process will not be .
6 Right er the killing of animals yeah , the killing of animals for example for food .
7 Our first Report , submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales on 30 September 1988 , made recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study for English for the primary stages , and also contained a number of chapters relevant to the whole of the compulsory school age range .
8 County roles take members into schools in their day-to-day work , and for some of the team 's functions ( especially the selection of schools for recommendation for inclusion in the project ) the project role is being played at the same time .
9 The chamber will not , however , deal with two cases " out of a total of 11 pending " which are the subject of appeals made prior to its constitution : the question of compensation for Nauru for the effects of phosphate exploitation before its independence from Australia [ see separate item in this issue ] , and the dispute between Hungary and Slovakia over the Gabcikovo dam [ see EDs passim ] .
10 We have an extensive wardrobe of costumes for hire for theatrical productions or as fancy-dress .
11 In their " Language Acquisition Made Practical " , Brewster and Brewster ( see Bibliography ) offer a very useful daily programme to follow , together with suggestions for evaluating your progress , and lots of ideas for topics for continuing language study .
12 The highly decorated markets are held daily in the town square and offer a wealth of ideas for presents for family and friends .
13 Unlike the Harter Act , however , unseaworthiness did not deprive the carrier of immunity for liability for the consequences of errors of navigation and management because COGSA required that the alleged unseaworthiness be the cause of the loss .
14 On 14 March 1643 he petitioned the House of Lords for payment for 300 barrels of gunpowder which he had shipped from Amsterdam , but which had been confiscated by Robert Rich , second Earl of Warwick [ q.v. ] , for use by the parliamentary armies .
15 Now we have consistently been somewhat sceptical about the genuineness of demand for land for industrial purposes .
16 Disclose the total amount of payments for compensation for loss of office .
17 The British government has announced measures to control the digging up of hedgerows by farmers , which has been a major focus of concern for conservationists for many years .
18 The new service started on 3 October 1988 and was immediately so successful that Mid Glamorgan County Council applied to the Secretary of State for Wales for a £600,000 grant to purchase a Sprinter unit to provide an hourly service .
19 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
20 The head of ES is the Chief Executive , who is responsible to the Secretary of State for Employment for the operation and management of the ES .
21 The Chief Executive , assisted by the ES Executive Board is responsible to the Secretary of State for Employment for the delivery of ES Services .
22 The point that my hon. Friend has made was graphically illustrated by the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) , who is reported as having said that if Labour were to introduce its devolution plans he could not act as Secretary of State for Health for England and Wales .
23 Does he agree that there is pressure to extend the excellent scheme and not — as suggested by the would-be Secretary of State for Health for Scotland — to abolish it ?
24 We 're having a k our entire meeting 's being taped for er for an interest of science in the interests of science for posterity for a survey on English language
26 The workshop began the process of drawing up a charter which would be put forward to the June Chesterfield Conference ( again , any positive work here is being channel led back into the system ) The Reproductive Rights Workshop focussed on the issue of abortion , and individual women 's experiences , and very little surfaced on how these so called ’ rights ’ affect working class women , there was even a suggestion of wages for housework for women !
27 Presumably in order to counter even such indirect expressions of opinion , the free c ice of wording for death-announcements for fallen soldiers was abruptly ended in September 1944 .
28 Day 3 Purchased 150 sets of material for sails for £20 per set and paid the £3,000 immediately .
29 John Mantley , producer of Gunsmoke for CBS for 11 years , says elements of the old story began to fall apart .
30 Creoles have been a focus of interest for linguists for over a century , because of their distinctive history .
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