Example sentences of "of [noun] to other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this last phrase , Said thus links his critique of Orientalism to other critiques , such as those of racism or of patriarchy .
2 Those parts which require renewal in the normal course of working , but damage to the parts is covered if they require renewal as a result of damage to other parts of the plant for which the company has admitted liability .
3 It would be more profitable to relate the temporary decline in the use of cavalry to other factors .
4 Film badges monitor exposure to external penetrating and sparsely ionising radiation but not internal or other forms of radiation , and the fact of being issued with a film badge to monitor external penetrating radiation could , for certain workers , be a marker of exposure to other forms of radiation .
5 Increasingly detailed levels of analysis might therefore be concerned with the patterning of sounds within words or , alternatively , with the relationship of words to other words or of words and sentences to the surrounding context ( Skinner 1957 ) .
6 The applications of computers to other subjects have resulted in a significant commitment to computing in those subjects , but the subject of Computer Science itself remains at the centre : ‘ systematic approaches to the development of computer based systems ( hardware and software ) ’ .
7 People usually make such declarations of opposition to other lineages , other tribes — not to entities which claim superiority .
8 The money will be distributed by the Charities Aid Foundation , set up to co-ordinate the raising and distribution of funds to other charities .
9 To deny that there is single quantity that can be characterised as arousal makes it much more difficult to generalize the results of research using any particular measure or manipulation of arousal to other situations .
10 Listen with an increased span of concentration to other children and adults , asking and responding to questions and commenting on what has been said .
11 Sheila 's case may prompt a discussion of the referral of clients to other agencies , and trainees may be encouraged to find out what the policy is in their own bureau towards referrals and what agencies have been successfully recommended .
12 The Canal Bus Pass included in all Amsterdam Travel Service holidays can be used for the full duration of this special cruise or combined with a full day of visits to other places of interest .
13 Just as it is almost impossible to apply what is now called the ‘ Japanese ’ system of management to other parts of the world , because of the differences of culture and background of the people who are working in industry , so it is equally unlikely that the particular , precise ways that I have found so useful will have the same application to others ; Nevertheless , since I have spent so much of my life developing these ideas it may be that some of my experience will hit a chord of recognition or cause others to reflect or contemplate .
14 If the teacher had had no obvious part in planning or organising an activity , it was difficult to see what might be learnt from it that would be of help to other teachers .
15 On May 15 two commissions of the Constitutional Assembly ( elected in December 1990 — see pp. 37914 ; 38001 ) resolved to support a proposed constitutional amendment to prohibit the extradition of Colombians to other countries .
16 If all its facilities were used it would also cause too many problems of transfer to other systems .
17 While this paper pretends to be nothing other than an account of an approach which is unique to the TSB , the principles described by Bruce Nichol and Tony Atkin may well be capable of transfer to other organizations in other industries .
18 What Athens wanted from Egypt is not stated by the sources , which are very bad ; but Egypt was a supplier of corn to other states , from biblical times to the Roman Empire .
19 But though they were excellent makers of models to other people 's plans and designs I quickly found they could only work well if they were given very detailed constructional drawings and plans .
20 There is a great deal of man 's inhumanity to man as evinced in the use of torture on political prisoners or the application of apartheid to other races .
21 In the previous book in this series the relationship of ergonomics to other aspects or kinds of technology was discussed in detail .
22 IBM Corp has yet another new company , IBM Software Manufacturing Co , which it has formed in Somers , New York to provide ‘ a full range of fulfillment services to software developers ’ : translated into English , that means duplicating floppy disks , producing and printing manuals , doing foreign language translation , packaging and assembly , and even providing worldwide distribution and marketing support ; the new company has been formed to exploit the fact that IBM already offers these services through its IBM Programming Systems line of business to other IBM units and independent vendors ; the company has also opened a CD-ROM manufacturing facility in Charlotte , North Carolina .
23 Section 2(2) applies a test of reasonableness to other types of damage caused by negligence .
24 The effect of this , of course , is to shift the shortage of liquidity to other institutions , here the discount houses .
25 If you are prevented from travelling because in the opinion of any person in authority you appear to be unfit to travel or likely to cause discomfort of disturbance to other passengers , our responsibility for your holiday thereupon ceases .
26 Given its size — in terms of employment it was equivalent , for example , to either mining or chemicals in the early 1970s — this represented a serious loss of resources to other sectors of the economy .
27 Arguments and local strife were often caused by the building of a new watermill because the necessary raising of weirs and cutting of races would affect the flow of water to other mills on the same stream .
28 In terms of advice to other pilots , we found Lisboa Military very helpful .
29 The former is patently not in keeping with the CAB 's open-door policy and results in unintended rationing of advice to other clients .
30 There is no official policy of deliberately choosing partners for their compatibility , whether in terms of personality , age , experience , or religion , and long-standing partnerships do not develop informally because of the frequent transfers of staff to other duties or to new stations altogether .
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