Example sentences of "of [noun] to [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This had asserted American interest in the Middle East and had given pledges of support to those states which felt threatened by communism .
2 They are used to clarify the relationships that exist between the variables that influence the buying situation , and to predict the outcome of change to these variables .
3 The guarantee of protection to these individuals was intended to remove a source of friction between States that was feared might escalate into further conflict .
4 Erm y'know I mean because people have a whole variety of reactions to these things which you may want to investigate more specifically .
5 Now , colleagues we come to the thorny question of election to these bodies .
6 Furthermore , the wrong reading responses with exception words should demonstrate the application of rules to these words , as in the pint example .
7 The research also aims to illuminate the processes by which the ESSE/L Project was implemented by the Project team , to identify some of the conditions conducive to success in such projects , and to identify sources of resistance to such innovations .
8 But soon Owen 's erstwhile disciple T. H. Huxley began to question the dinosaurs ' relationships to lizards ; he saw the closeness of birds to some reptiles , and inferred that at least some dinosaurs had gone on two legs rather than four , the Iguanodon among them .
9 the purpose of this double arrangement is to try and arrange something of advantage to both parties erm
10 Increased ability to learn directly from the environment evolved to allow organisms to acquire new information and thus to build up simple programmes of response to such exigencies .
11 The many advantages of MID-PAY to both businesses and their employees include reducing administration to a minimum , increasing cost effectiveness and maximising security when making payments direct to employees ' bank accounts via BACS .
12 Do n't get me wrong , I 'm not saying that companies should n't sponsor ballet or opera , but I think they have to not lose sight of sponsorship potential with the disadvantages as well as the anonymous giving branch , because small amounts of money to some organizations may do disproportionately more than the Scottish Opera
13 The identification of CTL to several epitopes in P. falciparum antigens indicates that natural exposure to malaria leads to processing of pre-erythrocytic antigens for HLA class I presentation .
14 The allocation of labour to these segments is of course partly predetermined by gender , but recruitment to firms of different sizes is based mainly on educational credentials .
15 A united partnership of opposition to such developments is something that the MEG warmly welcomes ’ , Mr Hopkins told a local paper .
16 Greyfriars is out of bounds to all pupils at all times .
17 The Mamur Zapt had right of entry to all premises in Cairo .
18 After wide debate , the majority of the Branches were in favour of extending the mandatory requirement of CPD to all members , but such a proposal is unlikely to get the support of the membership if put to a referendum .
19 No clear principles determine the allocation of disputes to these bodies although the greater the element of discretion and the more important the policy considerations , the less likely it is for the courts to take on the new area of responsibility .
20 Instead , the compromise proved to be a lasting source of grief to both parties .
21 Ratio of goals to all leaves : maybe s 1/10000
22 Ratio of goals to all leaves : may be very small or zero .
23 Specifically , it was to be suggested that he should embark upon an immediate programme of visits to all parts of Vietnam making numerous speeches and public appearances in the process .
24 I am making a series of visits to all parts of the country and very much hope to include Derbyshire .
25 I am making a series of visits to all parts of the country and hope to include Liverpool in them .
26 I am making a series of visits to all parts of the country and very much hope to visit the Edinburgh area again before too long .
27 I am making a series of visits to all parts of the country , and very much hope to include Essex among them .
28 I am making plans for a series of visits to all parts of the country and hope to return to the north-east in the midst of those plans .
29 The management of the contract will be examined longitudinally by a series of visits to both firms , interviews with technical experts , senior management and a sample of users of the technology .
30 The state , then , offers a fair amount of help to all parents in their task of rearing children .
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