Example sentences of "of [noun] in the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The policy , which aimed to reserve 27 per cent of public-sector jobs for members of the lower castes , provoked caste-based violence across northern India ( although it received a large measure of support in the predominantly low-caste south ) and provided an issue around which Singh 's opponents within the Janata Dal could coalesce .
2 It has to be remembered that the centre of mass of the club head does not lie on the shaft but off to one side ( except of course in the very special case of certain putters ) .
3 She knew that writing his name was never going to get him back , even if they wrote it hundreds of times in the most beautiful book in the world .
4 And is there any possibility — or is it part of current thinking — that InterCity tracks will be sold off as part of InterCity in the highly improbable event of the right hon. and learned Gentleman still being in a position to proceed with such a sale ?
5 Now Charlie who has set a host of records in recent months is heading for another one — the highest number of winners in the newly formed Irish jump season .
6 Thus Jeffrey found himself on the Island of Sombrero in the Leeward group .
7 In part this was a reflection of the great strain on small financial resources which building , maintaining and perhaps in time enlarging workhouses imposed , but it also reflected the greater difficulty in an effective and controlled administration of out-relief in the more anonymous and densely populated towns .
8 In approaching philosophical problems John Locke ( 1632–1704 ) kept the temperature of discussion as low as possible ; there was no point in reviving the interminable religious disputes which had produced the Wars of Religion in the earlier seventeenth century .
9 The result was evident not only in a growing emigration movement but also in the disproportionately high number of Jews in the most radical political parties .
10 I must have used up four different bags of potatoes in the down there .
11 Withdrawal from southern England , therefore , may have been accompanied by a period of consolidation in the more immediately adjoining territories around the Mercian heartland , analogous to processes at work in northern and southern England .
12 COMPUTERS can ease the financial problems of countries in the economically troubled Third World .
13 This raised the prospect that Yeltsin might use the Russian presidency as an ultra-reformist power base from which to challenge Gorbachev 's authority , making Russia a new element of instability in the already crisis-ridden Soviet Union .
14 Several hon. Members have spoken about the dangers of instability in the newly emerging eastern democracies .
15 The squalor remained through the troubles of the Civil Wars until a new prosperity was built on the growing export of corn in the later seventeenth century .
16 We know that in most regions there have been frequent changes of climate in the geologically immediate past .
17 During the 1980s population growth has been very uneven ; in the most general terms there has been a decline of population in the less prosperous North and gains in the prosperous South .
18 There is an element of truth in the very first statement as it applies to the UK .
19 His call coincided , however , with the mobilisation in Serbia of reservists , suggesting that the Yugoslav army may be on the verge of intervention in the newly independent Bosnia .
20 PP : Ladies and gentlemen of the jury , welcome to another live edition of ‘ Your Witness ’ where I , Perry Perseverance , the well-known television lawyer , seek to hear the people 's evidence and point the finger of guilt in the most unlikely of directions .
21 Apart from the battle of Qadesiyah in AD 637 during the original advance of Islam , so frequently invoked by Iraq as a source of inspiration in the more recent conflict with Iran , Persians and the inhabitants of what is today Iraq have been making forays into one another 's territory for centuries .
22 It seems clear that the Crown had greater powers of nomination in the more newly established institutions , that within all departments it was more likely to nominate to the most recently created offices , and that it was trying , with some measure of success , to extend its powers .
23 Gearing national and Community structural adjustment funds and policies towards improving the competitiveness of firms in the less developed regions of the EC .
24 Everywhere there were shortages and , with the post-First World War period much in mind , there was a fear of inflation in the very short run , followed by deflation in the medium term .
25 Despite a curt denial by the President of CBS News , David Burke , that the company knowingly broadcast faked combat film , Mr Rather 's reputation for being the soul of integrity in the increasingly make-believe world of American television news has been damaged .
26 As I wrote to you at the time ( since you refused even then to see me or any of your old friends and supporters ) I accepted the MS as a sacred trust and would do what I could to see that it eventually saw the light of day in the most appropriate form .
27 There then followed , between 7 and 9 September , a most bitter clash of armies in the normally tranquil vineyards of Champagne , the Battle of the Marne .
28 In the same conversational turn , he changes the topic to a lengthy , rhapsodic utterance on the flexing motion of the aircraft 's wings : Anderson 's sudden topic-change and subsequent change of register in the very lyrical statement about McKendrick 's cigarette smoke , is partly explained by the fear of flying which he admits to here , and which is indicated just before the topic-change in Stoppard 's stage directions — " …
29 The appropriation of ecclesiastical revenues by secular lords such as the Durfort during the twelfth century , and the installation of kinsmen in the more lucrative benefices , meant that a greater degree of lay patronage of the Church was exercised by the Gascon nobility than by their northern French contemporaries .
30 Although the numbers are small , there were similar rates of endometriosis in the never pregnant and in the unknown category , low rates in pregnant women and in the 48 months following pregnancy , and then higher rates once again in the remaining groups .
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