Example sentences of "of [noun] [subord] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Well the tom tiddlers of British political life I suppose write their memoirs for a couple of reasons because they ca n't ever admit to themselves they are tom tiddlers .
2 A spokesman for a large nationalised service industry wrote of headhunters being able to provide them with ‘ the feel of external experience ’ and an appreciation of the stature in the market place of their existing staff and the organisation itself , together with a more extensive network of contacts than they could possibly have at their disposal .
3 The outcome is that fox hunts will need a licence from the Ministry of Agriculture before they can temporarily block setts to prevent foxes hiding in them during a hunt , or to dig out foxes which succeed in entering a sett .
4 And that 's hampering the whole development process because it 's high , high wages , high wages creates migration and the whole resource allocation reflects in the economies er are disrupted and because people are moving out of agriculture because they ca n't make any money from agriculture they think they can make some money in industry like agriculture itself is being starved of capital and er so it hampers the development process , I mean it 's a complicated business but er there may well be some , some sort of strands of sense that we can draw out of this , one of which may be well if the government sectors are too large in these countries essentially it does n't matter who owns these companies whether it 's , they were privately owned or government , erm if they are inefficient they are inefficient
5 Shabby streets scattered with litter , full of houses where they 'd give you a bed and a bowl of cereal for a fiver , no questions asked .
6 Of course while they may be imagining that they are bending my ear and creating a good impression , they are also providing me with the kind of evidence I am looking for about the gendered and generational aspects of this kind of racism .
7 Of course if they can find someone on whose sympathy to play , someone who will pay one hundred or perhaps one hundred and fifty pounds then so much the better for them .
8 The next day Professor Pearn , who was working in intelligence , came in to warn me that the Japs were breaking through from Taung-gyi and that it was only a matter of hours before they would reach Maymyo .
9 Such arrangements , it was argued , required a more reliable source of income than they could currently envisage , and a clearer indication from the region ( or the Department of Health ) concerning policy about the retention and spending of savings .
10 If this is correct , it may be asked why it is necessary to deal with the established , nominate torts at all , to which one can only respond that until the limits of the general tort are clearly established plaintiffs are likely to rely upon as many causes of action as they can , even though from our point of view it is untidy to have two or more torts rather than one .
11 My aim is to start further ‘ up-stream ’ than that , by helping teachers who wish it , to get in a frame of mind where they can be interested in that kind of advice .
12 Travelling with yaks needs a certain kind of nerve as they can be mean and quarrelsome animals : perhaps that is why Peter Somerville-Large named the two hairy four-foots who allowed him to travel with them through Nepal and Tibet , Mucker and Sod .
13 Those in more technical areas had a greater sense of optimism because they would leave university with practical training .
14 People in these tragic circumstances have to come to terms with their sense of loss before they can come to terms with , and learn to enjoy , living alone .
15 ‘ It also happens in public schools , where new arrivals are considered ordinary weaklings until they 've been pushed out to survive some sort of ordeal so they can re-enter the group with a new identity . ’
16 These ministers had mostly either left the west of Scotland because they could not reconcile their consciences to episcopacy when it was restored there , or had come to Ulster to evangelise and serve the Scots settlers .
17 She 'd be left sitting in a pool of piss until they could n't stand the smell .
18 They develop into large bulky plants , so should be planted by the middle or end of July so they can get their roots down and put on weight before autumn .
19 She had been so much a part of his plans for the future that he was now thinking of countries where they could farm together .
20 We still get an , er quite a few calls where fireworks have been pushed through letter boxes , in including pillar boxes , and they can cause all sorts of havoc although they 'll not do an awful lot of damage to individuals .
21 In temperate areas , members of the genus Cooperia usually play a secondary role in the pathogenesis of parasitic gastroenteritis of ruminants although they may be the most numerous trichostrongyle present .
22 The primary reason for this move was not a desire for increased tax revenue , welcome as this no doubt was , but , rather , an expression of the Government 's opposition to people enjoying a larger income when out of work than they could take home in a wage packet .
23 The families ' lawyer , Ann Alexander , called on Mrs Bottomley to meet a delegation of parents so they could tell her ‘ why the decision not to have a full public inquiry is wrong ’ .
24 Office workers who on the first day possible in the early year had rushed out in their lunch hour to cover any patch of grass with bare legs and arms , floral patterns and jackets , as if some strange immediate growth had been brought out by the sun , to die back in the early afternoon , had by now got the habit of staying in the dark bowels of buildings when they could .
25 In a letter to his congregation he said : ‘ It may be that we have no influence on those who plan and carry out murders in both parts of our community , but we can all help create a climate of opinion where they will be increasingly isolated and disowned . ’
26 As these fish are mostly open spawners , it is pointless supplying numerous caves made of rockpiles as they may be moved during the fish 's excavations .
27 It will generate stored procedures for Unix machines using the Sybase Inc database together with 8m lines of code called the Production System , guaranteeing the partition of applications so they can be distributed around the network .
28 Somehow Finnan made sense of the tangled labyrinth , and brought them through the lanes and alleys of boats until they could see looming ahead of them the solid sunwashed stone of the city wall .
29 They spent thousands of years before they could understand fractions
30 LUTON defender Trevor Peake insists his troubled side will quickly climb out of danger if they can maintain the form they displayed in their 2-1 victory at Wolves .
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