Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun pl] [conj] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not interested in you telling me what those meaning are or coming out with kind of y'know ideas that crossing your arms means that you 're defensive or anything like that .
2 This emphasis on centralization with contradictions , helps to avoid overestimating the unity of elite interests or treating the state as a monolithic entity .
3 Suggestions to change this include improving the scope and accessibility of GP services and adapting hospital A&E services by including GPs and nurse practitioners among the A&E staff .
4 A day of building nestboxes and planting trees in preparation for the new breeding season .
5 With David Dimbleby and Peter Sissons occupying curvy command modules jutting out over a sea of computer screens and flashing lights , it seemed rather like a cross between the deck of the Starship Enterprise and an Italian disco .
6 A huge office , full of computer screens and flashing lights .
7 Going down to the hospital basement and disrobing in a utility room full of bleach bottles and moulting mops was a tantalisingly prosaic prelude to my voyages into inner space .
8 Widespread evidence of irregularities had been reported nationally , with registration clerks apparently changing the names of election officers and adding fictitious names on registration forms to allow a particular candidate to win more votes .
9 Fig. 6. 19 shows the improvement that can be achieved in 80/20 type files — those in which 80 per cent of the accesses are to 20 per cent of the records — for buckets holding one , two , three and four records over a wide range of packing densities , and Table 6.8 provides figures for a number of bucket sizes and packing densities .
10 The incidence of this higher rate of tax — totalling , inclusive of the loan , 25 per cent — is therefore misleading ; in effect it acknowledged the superior position of £40 men while seeking to evade the full implications .
11 Duke Hussey was chief executive of Times Newspapers and living locally when he became one of our " students " .
12 Free of money lenders and learning to save and contribute financially to their own programme is an important step towards long term self sustainability .
13 It was first described in England , near Southampton in 1921 , birds were seen removing the tops of milk bottles and drinking the milk beneath .
14 You could , for instance , try differing lengths of harness lines or changing the amount of weight you place on each foot .
15 RENT arrears among council tenants are reaching record levels , mainly because of rent increases and housing benefit reductions imposed by the Government in April last year , according to the Audit Commission for Local Authorities .
16 Mr Erlund said the firm had already initiated a number of action plans and streamlining measures but ‘ these can only alleviate some of the mentioned negative external conditions ’ .
17 By now Fedorov must surely suspect he was being followed , for the deserted streets were silent save for the rattle of carriage wheels and jangling harness .
18 By concentration of cell contents and supercooling , frost-hardened plant tissues readily survive temperatures down to -10°C .
19 Angola 's vast mineral resources consisted not only of diamonds but also of oil , which was the backbone of the economy , providing 90 per cent of export earnings and making it , after Nigeria , the second largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa .
20 Revelle and D. A. Loftus ( 1990 ) review 24 studies using a variety of arousal manipulations and learning conditions , 18 of these studies show the expected interaction of arousal with retention interval .
21 A new Cabinet was appointed after the Dec. 12 , 1990 , general election , reflecting the change of coalition partners and comprising 10 Conservative and nine Liberal members [ see p. 37925 ] .
22 As such they are ultimately subject to a higher rate of vulnerability factors and provoking agents .
23 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
24 They have access to a ring of thieves who act as couriers , stripping streets of luxury cars or ramming the gates of car showrooms and disappearing with the entire fleet of vehicles . ’
25 Bernard Harrison ( Senior Lecturer ) has a range of research interests and teaching duties in Language and Learning , across initial and in-service course .
26 A comparative study of research procedures and teaching techniques would be likely to provide a basis for evaluation which combines the qualities of research rigour and pedagogic relevance .
27 They have also developed the use of ‘ self inspection ’ — each group responsible for inspecting its own work — and giving responsibility to work groups for minor routine maintenance such as changing tips of welding guns and making minor adjustments .
28 There is no insistence from management that a certain proportion of tickets be given every shift , so his behaviour was more a result of the way that he defined the role of neighbourhood policemen as having crime control responsibilities .
29 They are used mainly for inspection of foundations , assessing the condition of lock gates and checking the progress of repair work .
30 The £500 repairs include the renewal of roof gutters and repointing works .
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