Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The main requirement is for each degree of differentiation to be clearly demarcated from others in the eyes of buyers and for each firm to be the lowest-cost producer within each category .
2 Men , dusty people and folk of diverse devices , people of business and of leisure , folk of the frontiers and foreign men … trackers of beasts and of seasons , breakers of camp in the little dawn wind , seekers of water and watercourses over the wrinkled rind of the world , O seekers , O finders of reasons to be up and be gone …
3 In consequence , one should not expect the discourse of racism to be necessarily marked by the ponderous unsubtlety of thought described by Adorno et al .
4 Sometimes , as in the case of a foreign or inter-state trip , the youngster may just not be old enough or experienced enough to cope , but at other times they may not be showing enough sense of responsibility to be safely granted privileges .
5 They imagine that they have believed in God because faith is rational — which it is — but they then expect every aspect of faith to be equally open to rational investigation — which it is n't .
6 The proposal in the review is that you probably will need to keep your joint care teams , your JCTs , which tend of course to be professionally and officer dominated , but there are strong feelings throughout the county , and one has to remember the run up to local government , erm , the local government commission is on , strong feelings especially from the voluntary sector , but also from the district councils , that there could be renewed dynamism at the local level , in terms of local care teams .
7 It has been argued persuasively that passages from the Bible which had been taken as prohibiting gay sex were either mistranslated or taken out of context ; that , in any case , the Bible could not be read as a set of rules to be unthinkingly obeyed ; that love and justice in sexual relationships mattered more than gender ; and that homophobia itself was sinful .
8 I think they 're a heap of shit to be quite honest !
9 ‘ To be sure you did , ’ said his colleagues , ‘ and is n't that the way of Druids to be so squashing .
10 cos it 's a lot of money to be perfectly honest
11 Yet neither the Foreign Office nor No10 wished the impotency of Parliament to be so well advertised .
12 Herluin held off , too deeply sunk in his own turmoil of mind to be much concerned about further wonders , but the earl drew close in candid curiosity , craning to see the spread pages .
13 Whether it allows the exercise of force to be more controlled and effective has yet to be seen .
14 The validity of this approach has been borne out by other studies combining immunocytochemistry with DNA sequencing that have found accumulation of protein to be invariably associated with the presence of a mutant p53 allele .
15 As ever , vigilant assessors of needs , and assiduous entrepreneurs in the pursuit of punters , the rhetoric of practice to be predictably familiar across regional and social settings .
16 Within corpora , compounds are tagged with a single tag for the whole compound allowing a set of compounds to be easily extracted .
17 Brown ( 1973 ) provided the first set of guidelines to be widely adopted for the calculation of MLU , thus making it possible to use this measure as a basis for comparing language performance across children .
18 Some , however , have found the so-called ‘ Beaux-Arts ’ style , for all its academic rigour and perfection of proportion to be too correct , bloodless , and buttoned-up when set against the free-flowing eclecticism of some other contemporary stations .
19 GEMMs are required by the Bank of England to be separately established as companies or partnerships in the United Kingdom with their own dedicated sterling capital .
20 It is not healthy for the 45 million people of England to be so dependent both economically and politically on decisions made at the centre .
21 They enable the text of bills to be much shorter than would otherwise be possible and so much time is saved on the discussions of new legislation .
22 This item of equipment enabled the rapid assembly features of the whole range of equipment to be fully exploited , and reduced the erection times for some major bridging operations , from what would normally be months to merely a matter of days .
23 It 's not uncommon for victims of rape to be so traumatized by the attack that they delay , or in some cases never report the matter to police .
24 They are also of interest in enabling the demographic profile of countries to be directly compared .
25 This bit of park had just enough hint of wilderness to be readily transformed in imagination into prairie , canyon , rain forest , river delta , open sea .
26 We have changed the opening hours of monuments to be more convenient for visitors — Edinburgh and Stirling Castles are now open on Sunday morning throughout the whole year , and this winter we are opening Urquhart Castle on Sunday mornings as well .
27 So Paul is looking to the unconverted in Spain , the church in Rome at the heart of the secular empire , and the church in Jerusalem where there were social needs of poverty to be lovingly dealt with .
28 This in front of someone I am trying to impress with my good health , my vivacious vitality , my lack of need to be there .
29 This ( Munn ) Report was thought by the Committee of the House of Commons to be altogether more sophisticated an analysis , with its recognition of the debatable nature of the fundamental principles underlying a specification of the school curriculum .
30 In Shah 's case Lord Scarman said , ‘ All that is necessary is that the purpose of living where one does [ eg , for education , employment , health , family or merely love of the place ] has a sufficient degree of continuity to be properly described as settled ’ .
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