Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The human being ( a far more complex creature inhabiting a far more complex world ) needs to be highly adaptive and has a long period of play in which to build up a vast repertoire of behaviours .
2 men who have accepted a system of values by which to live , can not without courting in-efficiency and chaos keep for long a fenced-off portion of their lives where they think and behave according to a contrary set of values .
3 Once indoors the dog would collapse in front of the fire , there , perhaps , to dream of the day when he 'd swap his flea collar for a laurel wreath , and his water bowl for a magnum of champagne with which to shower his adoring fans !
4 We took a couple of cops with us to prevent a breach of the peace and I heard one of them saying it was pointless putting rules and regulations on the wall because most of us could n't read !
5 So I needed no more prompting than a letter from Sean Constable of Runcorn for me to choose Marcus Miller on Sanborn 's Hey for this month 's analysis ( enjoy your Elites , Sean ) .
6 All these changes have resulted in a situation where the surveyor is faced with a wide range of methods of procurement of building projects and an equally wide , though not necessarily matching , range of contracts with which to deal .
7 The tend to be unappreciative of the farm worker 's skills , not out of malice , but because they simply lack the detailed knowledge of agriculture on which to base a judgement .
8 THE BBC 's Board of Management is rallying round beleaguered director general John Birt amid a stream of calls for him to resign over revelations about his special tax arrangements .
9 THE BBC 's board of management is rallying round its director-general , John Birt , amid a stream of calls for him to resign over revelations about his special tax arrangements .
10 This provided doctors , lawyers , clergymen and the members of an evergrowing number of other occupations with an article of faith with which to justify their claim to superior status and special privileges , such as self-discipline .
11 It would be an article of faith with him to believe that .
12 yes I see , I think er unfortunately doctor I in this particular case I ought to make an order for certificate for counsel erm in the current , in respect of the costs incurred below on the thirteenth of August seems to me do er the proper kind of case in which to instruct counsel .
13 you will take you a matter of months of course for you to settle in , and those first few months are crucial , again , I maybe just mention this that you are aware of okay so that 's
14 Erm but we were encouraged of course for it to go er as your savings and er something I heard that , that may be interesting to you er and er he just said to me in this other club , but again we were talking about , I think we 'd talking politics then and we 're not supposed to do it was a church club .
15 Numbers will be restricted to 40 people on each day , and there will be a variety of activities for you to carry out individually , in pairs and in groups , with plenty of opportunity for discussion .
16 There 's a large range of patterns for you to choose from , including a starburst , sunset , sunrise and a rattan weave effect .
17 In the use of n-grams or a dictionary check to rule out letter sequences that do not appear in English , the information needed is a list of English words , or perhaps a large corpus of text from which to extract such a list and/or the list of n-grams for whichever values of n are necessary .
18 Not every Zionist or Palestinian needs to be a fervent believer in this kind of credo for it to have a force and tenacity which can not be ignored .
19 They have a wealth of experience for you to draw upon .
20 In speeches on April 15 , United Kingdom Prime Minister John Major maintained that the UK 's participation in the EBRD " underlines our commitment to be at the very heart of Europe " [ see also p. 38115 ] and that the UK government 's privatization programme had helped financial companies in London to " build up a wealth of experience from which to draw " , while Mitterrand declared : " A new order has been put in place .
21 ‘ Ling will have a pile of accounts for you to contend with , ’ Matt said .
22 I mean , it 's hard to think of an equivalent , but say you were an inhabitant of Hastings in the year 2066 and you went down to the beach one day and these longships were coming towards you and lots of people in chainmail and pointy helmets got out and said they 'd come for the Battle of Hastings and would you rustle up King Harold so they could shoot him in the eye and here was a huge wallet full of money for you to play your part .
23 The original PSSRU schemes used shadow budgets for the case management teams ( up to the value of two thirds of the cost of residential care ) , but also gave them an allocation of money with which to purchase those services which were not readily available and which , although small , would make all the difference to keeping the client at home .
24 He had two substantial houses ( in London he lived at 27 Queen 's Gate until 1913 , when he bought 93 Eaton Square , a still larger house with — an uncharacteristic touch for Baldwin — a more fashionable address ) and plenty of money with which to run them and do anything else he wanted .
25 It was just an adventurous , yet instinctive choice of base from which to plan an international assault .
26 Some authorities have issued broad discussion documents ; others have been rather more prescriptive ( in Croydon , for example , parents have been given a checklist of skills against which to evaluate their children .
27 The left has only a small window of opportunity in which to put its views across ; it needed every week and month it could get .
28 Abuse , suggestions of courses of action for me to follow that are physically and technologically impossible were much to the fore .
29 Parents are no longer told what methods to adopt , but rather the frame of mind in which to adopt them .
30 Strangely enough , I think self-doubt is an ideal state of mind in which to start thinking about working investigatively .
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