Example sentences of "of [noun] [am/are] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 This vacillation arises , in part , from the fact that such a variety of phenomena are classed as événements .
2 The significance of s13 is that matters of description are treated as conditions and not as innominate terms , although this would not have been the case in non-consumer sales had s15A(1) ( b ) of the Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 been implemented .
3 First , if a number of subtests are used as part of a larger test , the conversion of the subtest scores to a single standard scale will assist in the interpretation of the subscale scores .
4 For example , Private Acts of Parliament are treated as legislation even though they may regulate the conduct of only a single individual ; on the other hand , an ‘ administrative order ’ affecting a large number of people may be difficult to distinguish from as legislative act .
5 ‘ It is sufficient to say that in Maskell v. Horner Lord Reading C.J. , referring to these authorities , and in particular to the advice given by Willes J. in Great Western Railway Co. v. Sutton — where that learned judge said that he had ‘ always understood that when a man pays more than he is bound to do by law for performance of a duty which the law says is owed to him for nothing , or for less than he has paid , there is a compulsion or concussion in respect of which he is entitled to recover the excess by condictio indebiti , or action for money had and received ’ — said that ‘ such claims made in this form of action are treated as matters of ordinary practice and beyond discussion . ’
6 The balance between gaining and losing is by no means even ; many infrequent users of search are seen as prime poaching grounds , whereas companies constantly recruiting may not necessarily be losing people , but experiencing rapid growth .
7 Different syntactic classes of words are treated as distinct nodes in the lattice .
8 Municipal legal systems uniformly restrict the use of force , very markedly so in the case of the ordinary citizen , while the occurrence of riots and other manifestations of violence are taken as serious breakdowns of law .
9 A wide range of songs are played as a reward for good work .
10 For example a chemist will learn about compounds by laboriously memorising as a student the properties of each one separately but eventually sets of compounds are perceived as a pattern and thereafter all the relevant material is readily available because it fits together neatly .
11 Rocks are classified chemically according to how much silica ( silicon dioxide ) they contain ; rocks with a lot of silica are known as acid .
12 Finely crushed particles of ore are fed as a slurry to what are called shaking tables , large vibrating platforms that separate out the particles according to their weight .
13 To create the second scene the sun and row of daisies are knitted as if reflected in water .
14 The second part of the book , " Models and methods " , proposes a view of literary communication in which the sylistic properties of texts are seen as the result of a complex process of mediation between a variety of situational , social and cultural forces .
15 The pragmatists thus argue that all knowledge is hypothetical and fallible ; that the meaning of concepts must be rooted in their social context ; that we should focus on the consequences rather than the origins of knowledge ; that all distinctions and boundaries to inquiry are relative to the stage of development of the inquiry ; and that the standards or norms of inquiry are developed as part of the process of inquiry .
16 These anti-deterrent effects of punishment are known as ‘ labelling effects ’ .
17 You will notice on the printed sheet that Ashbone and Wallis of Twitchit are named as goalkeeper and centre-half for Dorning , and that the Saliki twins of Dorning are named as the Twitchit substitutes .
18 The localized regions of turbulence are known as turbulent spots .
19 In this notation the six independent components of stress are written as respectively , while the strains are written .
20 Among younger people equivalent circumstances of stress are regarded as legitimate qualifications for counselling .
21 In public law , on the other hand , rules of standing are seen as rules about entitlement to complain of a wrong rather than as part of the definition of the wrong .
22 Just as different theoretical schools within each of the social sciences , as well as the disciplines themselves , have various views about the nature of human behaviour , how it is conceptualised and conceived , the way in which this should be investigated , then they will also have different ideas about what sorts of things are to count as data .
23 The majority of Rottweilers are kept as pets : this is a pigeon-hole Rottweilers do not fit into with ease ; there has to be something else .
24 Policy strategies which attack the social and economic determinants of ill-health are dismissed as futile attempts at social engineering .
25 Deviations from norms of efficiency are regarded as political disloyalty , and political guidance , exhortation and criticism are seen as prerequisities of efficient management in Soviet industry and agriculture .
26 The fathers of Marxism are treated as subjects , and their names are not encircled by warning quotation marks .
27 A handful of professionals are admitted as honorary members .
28 Numbers of maxillae are counted as half maxillae , so that two are present in categories A to C but only one in category D. All maxillary numbers in the tables of skeletal elements refer to half maxillae .
29 At the present time , only 0.2 per cent of rainforests are protected as national parks .
30 DP-1 ( amino acids 167–183 ) and E2F-1 ( amino acids 166–182 ) regions of similarity are shown as a helical wheel .
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