Example sentences of "of [noun] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other districts were illegally withdrawn from the Forest jurisdiction by magnates to make their private chases — such as the Earl Marshal 's chase near Chepstow , carved out of the Forest of Dean early in Henry III 's reign ; the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 's chase of Cannock ; and the Bishop of Ely 's chase of Somersham .
2 It was never anything but a sporting contest , yet four players were booked — Muldoon and McGuinness of Bangor along with Linfield 's Johnstone and McCoosh .
3 He has , however introduced a significant shift in the burden of taxes away from business on to individuals .
4 The heart of the Swaledale mining field is a vein called the Friarfold Vein running from the neighbourhood of Keld across to Arkengarthdale .
5 He spoke slowly , deliberately , first in the music of Quechua then in Spanish , or Castellano as he called it , stopping to emphasise his points with a jabbing , rhetorical ‘ eh-eh ? ’
6 His basic pay of £575,850 up from £344,586 in the previous year was topped up with a one-off , long-term performance bonus of £2,714,624 .
7 Thus the Bourdieuan ‘ habitus ’ also undergoes a process of differentiation along with modernization .
8 A package eventually announced on Aug. 29 covered only volunteer medical teams and transport support , as well as finance for aid to affected countries and for refugee relief ( Foreign Minister Taro Nakayama , touring the region , having given assurances of support particularly to Jordan on Aug. 21 and to Egypt on Aug. 22 ) .
9 While the Constitutional Court was ruling against him in Moscow , the Russian leader received a ringing declaration of support yesterday in Washington .
10 In the development of studies of change particularly by biogeographers , increasing interdisciplinary cooperation and a greatly expanded range of techniques are very evident .
11 Elizabeth brings with her the experience of working through periods of change both with ILEA and London Guildhall which recently made the transition from polytechnic to university status .
12 At great expense , the organisation sent a team of experts out to Africa to interview the bull .
13 Unfortunately however , current catalysts mostly give a mix of products often including hydrocarbons .
14 In the annals of the theatre 1956 was the year of Look Back in Anger , but in the West End it was the year of Enid Bagnold 's The Chalk Garden — a full-dress Binkie Beaumont presentation , directed by Gielgud , starring Edith Evans and Peggy Ashcroft .
15 During exchanges with the magician , John confessed to appearing in a school play as a fairy and he has , not unexpectedly , taken a fair amount of stick back at work .
16 By his order dated 5 August 1991 the judge directed that she recover on her counterclaim the sum of £24,751.59 together with interest for unlawful eviction , general damages and consequential loss .
17 A government resolution aiming at a solution of the cash crisis , reported on May 15 , included the introduction of non-cash methods of payment exclusively for transactions worth over 10,000 roubles ( 1 rouble=US$0.5646 at the official rate as at May 18 , 1992 ) .
18 We shall be co-operating with Lothian Regional Council , who already are preparing schemes for upgrading sections of towpath close to Edinburgh .
19 House of horror up for sale
20 Identix Inc has turned in second quarter net losses of $727,000 down from losses of $990,000 last time , on turnover that rose by 314.8% at $2.6m ; mid-term net losses amounted to $1.2m down from losses of $1.9m last time , on turnover that rose by 161% to $3.7m .
21 I have received a number of requests recently from clients who have been sent claims for payment which , while clearly including a VAT element , contain the words ‘ this is not a VAT invoice ’ .
22 They are travelling out of necessity not for pleasure , therefore , the hotel must be a home from home , and they will most likely eat and drink in the hotel .
23 He can stay on as a sort of pensioner up at Framwell . ’
24 This mill was built of brick instead of stone like the Old Mill in the village , and the original six-storey building survives among the extensions built around it , with Arkwright 's peculiar staircase projection with Venetian and small semi-circular windows standing out from the sea of square-headed windows on either side , and with a cupola above .
25 The Dennis Bellamy/Revis Barber Halls are licensed for the sale of liquor either to residents or guests or , during permitted hours , to those taking table meals .
26 The Chartered Institute of Building together with John Horwood Consultants Ltd and Aspects International Ltd recently held a one-day awareness seminar on the requirements and effects of the Environmental Protection Act .
27 And we wish him the very best of luck tomorrow in Birmingham .
28 Oh , yes those horses come in horse boxes them days bit of luck instead of trains .
29 and Oxford go chasing their third win in a row at Sunderland tomorrow … in division three Hereford are just chasing anything they can get … they were out of luck again at scarborough on saturday
30 Use of deputies both in Berkshire and in England and Wales dropped by more than half since 1989 .
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