Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] [noun sg] you " in BNC.

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1 They 've got every kind of toy and equipment you can think of .
2 At Naïm , House of Hair & Beauty you can treat yourself to solid gold highlights !
3 However , if you are able to bury your pet in your garden , or even that of a friend 's , the acute sense of loss and separation you feel may be reduced .
4 Erm you get most of your you know you The amount of weight and height you put on from say , nought to six months and then six months to two months and by the time you 've got to about eight or something .
5 Cell walls are covered with fantasy women , always available , pouting and meaningless , two-dimensional figures available for any kind of degradation and brutality you want to inflict .
6 IF you think of Vermont and music you think of White Christmas .
7 We get curious pride , you know , working with these kids … it 's rather like the kind of pride and fascination you get when you persuade a wild animal to eat from your hand … a curious feeling
8 However , if you deprive other people of your feelings of warmth and appreciation you deny telling them what you enjoy about being with them .
9 I wanted to be in a harder place , hearing the great murmur of shock and argument you hear only when people realize that life has changed forever .
10 This , in turn , gives your reader a sense of what sort of debate or discussion you see yourself as being engaged in ; and it is this , alongside whatever concrete arguments you make on a given topic , which shapes a reader 's or examiner 's general response to what you write .
11 Many a large sofa , armchair or piano has had to be sent back at unnecessary cost because it would n't go through the door Make sure to measure the ceiling height as well because if you multiply this by the wall measurements ( see Calculating quantities on page 53 ) it will give you an idea of the amount of paint or wallpaper you will need .
12 ‘ That 's a girl of flesh and blood you 're talking about .
13 So for reasons of logic and fairness you ought to say his or her .
14 Do , but it is n't it a nonsense to embark on two twenty million pound stadiums when , with a bit of thought and effort you could probably get away with one ?
15 If in English you reverse the positions of man and snake you change the meaning .
16 of life and death you 're better not going
17 Based on the relationship of spending and payment you establish with us , you will be able to spend more — or less — depending on the situation you find yourself in .
18 But whatever combination of city and countryside you select , you can rely on the excellent Swiss road network .
19 The model of refrigerator and freezer you choose should depend on the size — or potential size — of your family and your work and cooking habits .
20 Whatever the size of land or terrace you have at your disposal , a little lateral thinking will prove that there are always ways and means of providing yourself with enough plant material to experiment with the very enjoyable pastime of pressing flowers .
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