Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But as the judge quashed the indictment , the men were re-arrested in the dock and four other charges were brought : recruiting persons for training in sabotage and guerrilla warfare for the purpose of violent revolution , conspiring to aid foreign military units when they invaded the republic , furthering the aims of communism and soliciting and receiving funds for these purposes from several countries .
2 parliament called for a day of prayer and fasting and requested Dr.Calamy , Dr.Gauden and Richard Baxter to preach and to pray with them .
3 A number of the Roman emperors were great patrons of building and endorsed and encouraged extensive schemes of architectural development .
4 These include statements of general and specific aims , learning experiences , various forms of knowledge and areas of experience ( e.g. the cognitive-based analysis of Hirst and Peters and the HMI areas discussed earlier ) , skills , and modes of expression ( verbal and non-verbal ) .
5 This order has been found to contribute to ease of comprehension and recall and some composition specialists therefore explicitly recommend it to writers .
6 Could we not call it sort of discussions and to try and put our point of view , our , our difficulties that we 're in , rather than erm , er , er , the narrower thing ?
7 If the Purchaser shall be in receipt of any claim , or any fact or circumstance comes to the notice of the Purchaser which might constitute or give rise to a liability pursuant to any of the warranties the Purchaser shall forthwith notify the Vendor giving full details so far as practicable and shall not make any admission of liability or settle or comprise any such claim without the prior written consent of the Vendor such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ( subject to being indemnified and secured to its reasonable satisfaction against all costs and expenses incurred or for which it may become liable ) ;
8 When the marker of comparison is deleted , the text reflects the perceptions of the people , as on the occasion when Lok and Fa hear an echo , and the narrator reports " their words had flown away from them like a flock of birds that circled and multiplied mysteriously … they stood … while the birds flew farther and farther away … ( p. 81 ) .
9 The point is not simply to abandon this type of teaching but to acknowledge and analyse its limitations in the light of a more complex understanding of the nature of racism and to develop forms of educational engagement more likely to open up racist subjectivities and common sense to alternative discourses .
10 When you and your dog are forced to survive at a very basic level , you share the kind of experience that fastens and tightens a solid bond .
11 I fought for breath between heaves , snatching down flecks of vomit and coughing and spewing at the same time .
12 It is now likely that a student will experience ballooning a number of times while learning and will have learned to avoid moving forwards on the stick automatically .
13 We need as little as possible of the concept of board and lodging and bed and breakfast .
14 Shelducks breeding in smaller groups at lower density , or as isolated pairs , where there is no chance for creches to develop , may be the ones producing a surplus of ducks that enter and sustain the quarrelsome colony on the Ythan .
15 During a manic or ‘ high ’ phase people are often very active , unable to sleep ; they may spend vast amounts of money and see or hear things others ca n't .
16 Mix half a packet of stuffing as directed but adding a little extra dried sage and dried onion and a good pinch of salt .
17 How vain I feel is an attempt for me with all my weight of immorality and worry and dull ( not bad ) health to sweeten you who are so pure and without care and of bright health .
18 Maud too saw him as a type ; in her case he represented the restriction and boredom of countless childhood country weekends of shooting and tramping and sporting conversation .
19 New techniques and developments have taken place to give multi-exposure and animated holograms of subjects that change and move as the viewer looks around them .
20 A relic of the domestic system of industry when spinning and weaving were done at home .
21 Both of them take the present sexual division of labour as given and understand that this has important implications for women in their search for an income .
22 Part of the process was interwoven with the Counter-Reformation : Philip 's Catholicism , his court and his Spanish armies and administrators became a further instrument of oppression that unified and heightened the Protestantism of the rebels ( the Inquisition was thus a means of imposing a homogeneity upon Philip 's subjects , the better to subordinate them to a uniform governance ) .
23 A consultant paediatrician said the bruising would have caused a degree of distress when inflicted but it would have been temporary .
24 She took five years to do it , five years of remissions and declines and suffering borne with no patience whatever .
25 It 's hot in the kitchen , Bacon 's burning , now she 's used the same sort of thing , it 's hot in the kitchen Bacon 's burning , you too could use the play on words for the idea of bacon and burning and cooking and sizzling if you want to be really gruesome .
26 The community is confined to inaccessible cliffs or sides of ravines where grazing and burning are unlikely , but where trees can not grow .
27 The dependent variable in tachistoscopic visual field studies is usually accuracy of recognition or recall and/or simple or discriminative reaction time .
28 The narrow road they were following was overhung with oak and chestnut trees , their interlaced branches letting through thin , bright shafts of light that flickered and danced over the car as it passed underneath .
29 even though they had that on , with having to march and run , and he were doing these fifteen miles half , well sort of jogging and running and with the forty
30 predisposing the Chinese to think of blood as circulating and of the earth as having condensed out of a more fluid state ( hence the fossil sea shells found up in mountains ) .
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