Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And I know he was very good to us in the war cos my father was , got a terminal illness and er he used to see that I had a bottle of whisky for dad you know , er the manager did .
2 It has been well argued that the great procession , headed by the Host and including the orders of the Church and social guilds , interrupted by the plays performed by the guild members reminding followers of the archetypal story of God 's plan of salvation from the Creation to the Last Judgement , provided opportunity for participating in that sense of unity beyond division which is the heart of Christian belief , and which underpins the social value put on the more isolated lives of contemplatives .
3 The separation of assessment from provision which I have criticized elsewhere ( Huxley , 1992 ) is seen by many people involved in the community care reforms as the way to achieve the movement from a service-led to a needs-led approach .
4 It is a recognized component of rituals of healing we can still see being practised by the wise men , witch doctors and shamans in ‘ primitive ’ societies and sometimes in the spiritual healing work of evangelical preachers .
5 They aim to explore and celebrate , not just those elements of discourses of femininity which the traditional and egalitarian feminist psychologies of women focus on , but also those which they ignore or reject .
6 As local Sports Development Groups and Plans can represent a significant source of support for sport I do hope that your organisation will be represented at this meeting .
7 And how can you guarantee a reasonable level of support in case something does go horribly wrong ?
8 There are a number of Acts of Parliament which empower a magistrate on sworn information to issue a warrant to search for such things as stolen goods , forged documents , drugs .
9 As can be seen from the table below , the area of Champagne under vine which is in production has increased by 40% since 1970 .
10 She 'd do anything for us — and we both know that , which means I suppose that we have a sort of shell of security which goes with us everywhere . ’
11 Love is a foundation of oneness in ecstasy which is pure and sublimated .
12 Revising the original articles for Notes towards the Definition of Culture , he complicated his argument 's texture by involving more material relevant to his personal history and to the history of his work , such as that mention of Heart of Darkness which looks back to The Waste Land .
13 Eliot 's reading of Heart of Darkness whose Buddha-like clerk , Marlow , saw London as ‘ one of the dark places of the earth ’ further blended savage and ‘ sepulchral city ’ .
14 The actions of such a council are of general public importance and the free discussion of their activities is one aspect of the right of freedom of expression which is of the utmost importance .
15 Her routine never varied by a second and Honor thought it was probably the spell of freedom after luncheon which enabled her to remain sane .
16 " We define freedom of the press as that degree of freedom from restraint which is essential to enable proprietors , editors and journalists to advance the public interest by publishing the facts and opinions without which a democratic electorate can not make responsible judgments . "
17 Battle and a whole belt of Wealden parishes produced no response at all ; since the data were collected by the local parish clergy , the low level of response is hardly surprising , farmers as a rule having a dim view of requests for information which might lead to a rise in taxes or tithes .
18 As a way of approaching such a theory , I want to step back from questions of programme categorization and return to prior questions of the poetics of genre in case there is something there which the more immediate premisses of popular genre have been missing .
19 This Act is very important in the commercial world ; in addition to being a very comprehensive regulator of contracts of sale it implies important terms into contracts such as requirements that the goods must match their description , be of merchantable quality , be fit for their purpose and that the seller has the right to sell the goods .
20 A typical approach is to assume a ratio of hydrogen to helium which is the same or fairly similar to that measured in the atmosphere , and to assume that there is a small fraction of heavier elements and their compounds which may be concentrated in a core or dispersed to a greater or lesser extent .
21 Some of the damage was done by the thousands of casks of rum which were stored in the town , and which exploded in the heat and caught fire immediately .
22 In so far as they are based upon analogy with the position of courts of law which are not under any such general duty , this reasoning is being undermined as the judiciary increasingly require some statement of reasons within judgments .
23 of course since Christmas she 's not paid full money
24 Of course at school they always tell you that you should do a secretarial course , which was absolutely dreadful , and they put you off the idea of a career in the theatre just as much as they can .
25 Of course with luck you do very well .
26 my Lord all that follows now is that question costs in this my Lord there is no doubt that er this is the painful experience for both the plaintiffs and of course for doctor who is unrepresented and therefore must inevitably feel rather isolated in this matter erm , however in my there is no reason to er depart from the usual principal of the costs which should follow the event and of course we know as it the loss on the subsidiary appeal and so I do n't press the point on that cos the reality as you 've already probably anticipated is all the work has been done erm on this appeal the subsidiary appeal I ask , I do n't ask for costs on that , in my submission it should be both sides bear their own costs on that , the reason I say that is that there was no , there was no cross appearing in respect on it in effect , cos after all , all you were doing was er trying to get the same as the other side if we lost , so no worm of can of beans can be done by doctor I had one parallel in my whole skeleton on that , er , but we have substantially succeeded on the main issue and so I , I would ask that costs in favour of the plaintiffs on , on that and here and indeed below .
27 Well of course of course they do .
28 If you 're talking about youngsters and in a modern i in then in fact abbreviations like that are quite commonly used now in narrative and dialogue and of course in dialogue I mean
29 With only four models in operation ( and of course in reality there are many more ) this kind of mismatch can take no fewer than twelve possible forms .
30 Of course in practice you may prefer a slightly more subtle prompt — maybe just a W to act as a flag for you to remember to type EXIT .
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