Example sentences of "be often [vb pp] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Also we 're often asked for humourous pictures .
2 Often , shops think they have good facilities for the disabled but they 're often used for other things .
3 Often , shops think they have good facilities for the disabled but they 're often used for other things .
4 Often , shops think they have good facilities for the disabled but they 're often used for other things .
5 The equations are often studied for different values of in with a and b held constant ; Lorenz 's original paper { 21 } took .
6 Medium-term forecasts , say up to five years ahead , are often made for primary schools using recent birth records , together with ancillary information from health records , headteachers and on proposed housing developments .
7 Three reasons are often suggested for this , one strictly electoral , one relating to the fiscal situation in each State , and the third reflecting wider attitudes , in particular attitudes of southern whites towards blacks .
8 However , labels are often used for forward jumps and no variable with that name would exist when it was first encountered .
9 Government services and power are often used for redistributive ends .
10 Exhibitions and trade shows are expensive but good ways to promote a message or an image and are often used for direct selling .
11 Machine-readable dictionaries are often used for natural language understanding and processing systems ( Boguraev and Briscoe , 1987 ; 1988 ) .
12 Trichloromethane ( chloroform ) and propanone ( acetone ) are often used for this purpose .
13 Gliders are often left for short periods with tyres on the wing-tip only .
14 Private Acts of Parliament are often needed for major development projects , and it is convenient for them to contain all the provisions relating to the project including consent under the appropriate Planning Act .
15 I am often asked for this but it is difficult to obtain .
16 CHILDREN in some special schools were often rewarded for good behaviour with cigarettes , according to a report yesterday .
17 These stones were even harder than Millstone Grit , and were often used for grinding wheat , while the Derbyshire stone was retained for oats and barley .
18 They were often used for one or another of the Sheikh families , or for some accident victim who could not get to a specialist hospital in any other way .
19 Banks were able to acquire large time deposits with very low service costs and they were able to do so at very keen rates of interest since these were often negotiated for each individual deposit .
20 There is no need for a warning or consent , however , in the case of the firm 's employees who deal through the firm ( as is often required for personal account dealings ) if they are informed that they will not be treated as private customers .
21 Television is often blamed for all kinds of social ills !
22 That share is rather less extensive and exalted than is often claimed for these bodies .
23 The benefits of this are dubious , specially as it is often used for electoral purposes with destabilising inflationary effects for the domestic economy .
24 The technique of X-ray fluorescence ( XRF ) ( see glossary ) is often used for these because of its non-destructive capabilities ( fig. 5.6 ) .
25 Since film is a language which is expressed primarily in visual terms , it makes sense to plan your movies in a visual way , and the technique of storyboarding is often used for this reason .
26 A spotlight is often used for this , as it concentrates the beam and allows it to be aimed very precisely at areas such as shoulders and the tops of heads .
27 Benzoic acid is often used for this purpose .
28 Also this £300 machine is often sold for much less , and old models ( which have a single-sided 360K drive ) are available for as little as £175 .
29 Land was often acquired for little or nothing ; in many places the citizens and those living within the jurisdiction of a town gave their services in the building of walls , the equivalent , it may be argued , of a tax intended to cover building expenses .
30 The drug in most common use was laudanum , a derivative of opium , which was often taken for bronchial coughs , as well as for consumption .
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