Example sentences of "be taken to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The metabolic concentrations can not be taken to be representative of analgesic ratios .
2 To avoid the technical difficulties in actually performing the sum over histories , these curved space-times must be taken to be Euclidean .
3 These are given by ( 8.7 ) where ε may be taken to be 0 on null geodesics and 1 on time-like geodesics .
4 Harris has argued that the value of life can only sensibly be taken to be that value that those alive place on their lives .
5 Accordingly , where the parcels are described simply by references to the Ordnance map ( either by specifying the numbers of the enclosures or by a plan that prevails over a verbal description ) the parcels will be taken to be those shown on the Ordnance map ( Fisher v Winch ) .
6 The commissioner quotes the Environmental Assessment ( Salmon Farming in Marine Waters ) Regulations of 1988 , which says that ‘ a proposed development shall only be taken to be likely to have significant effects on the environment … where the Crown Estates Commissioners consider that this is the case . ’
7 For the purposes of mens rea or the mental state of the accused , where his awareness is impaired by intoxicants he shall be taken to be aware of that which he would have been aware if not intoxicated , unless he shows either that his intoxication was not self-induced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment ( Section 6(5) ) .
8 A crucial Keynesian assumption is that if holders of speculative money balances decide to hold their wealth in some other form , they are likely to purchase financial assets since these are taken to be closer substitutes for money than other types of assets .
9 Since this last point can also be made about some of the ‘ billiard-ball ’ , ‘ cobweb ’ , and ‘ layer-cake ’ approaches now current , for instance where the demands of ‘ capitalist accumulation ’ are taken to be impersonal and determining , it is fair to describe the mainstream story as one from outside .
10 As a general guideline the following levels of attainment in BTEC National Diploma and Republic of Ireland Leaving Certificate at Higher level are taken to be equivalent to the ranges of ‘ A ’ level grades shown :
11 Frequently , classes I , II and III(N) are taken to be middle class , and III(M) , IV and V to be working class .
12 Preferential relationships are indicated by statements of the form : A is not authorized , see B instead where A and B are taken to be two index terms , with A a non-descriptor and B a descriptor .
13 Clary , still remained the tramp , he loved to be , six days of the week , one along with many who are taken to be inhuman .
14 ( Investments here , as throughout this book , are taken to be significant investments and not just minor replacements of facilities . )
15 The habit of mind which opposes family and state , and which gives the family a special position in the organization of a polity , is not solely Libyan : strongly étatique societies have often tried to abolish or limit the institution of the family ; and the attempts by government to regulate family life by intervening to increase or to decrease births , by altering rules of inheritance , by inhibiting or encouraging kinship corporations , are so familiar that they are taken to be natural functions of the state .
16 In all cases , focus preferences were taken to be strong , so that a binary plausibility check , rather than ‘ special mode ’ inference , was assumed .
17 Hazards were taken to be simple , which include a single damaging element such as wind , rain , floodwater or earth tremor ; compound , which involves several elements acting together above their respective damage thresholds such as the wind , hail and lightning of a severe storm ; and multiple , when elements of different kinds coincide accidentally or follow one another as a hurricane may be succeeded by landslides and floods .
18 General-purpose forces were taken to be those parts of the military not included in strategic forces , and " the armed forces of the participant states themselves , operationally subordinated with their consent to the C.-in-C. of the joint armed forces " .
19 Thus , if they said of a group of red objects simply ‘ red ’ , their answer is taken to be unsatisfactory because ‘ we are not told what is red ’ .
20 So the area is taken to be that south of the Shetland-Iceland-Greenland ridges as far as Cap Blanc in the eastern Atlantic and the Demerara Abyssal Plain in the west .
21 But there is then sometimes an interesting area of overlap , where the style is employed for what is taken to be other material : the ‘ drama-documentary ’ , the ‘ dramatic reconstruction ’ .
22 In Darwin 's version pangenesis could not be squared with these cytological generalizations ; for , if each of the two masses of gemmules coming together at fertilization is taken to be one cell , then it has not arisen in the division of one cell in that parent ; while , if each is taken to be a myriad of cells , then far too many are coming together at fertilization .
23 The underlying rule-structure which determines the form that this takes is dependent on how the offence has been perceived , that is , whether it is taken to be demeaning or non-demeaning .
24 The youngest and most significant heating event is taken to be due to the crustal stretching in the mid Jurassic .
25 The offences do not require any endangerment at all : that is taken to be inherent in the carrying of firearms , since their potentialities are grave and the risk of accidents as well as deliberate use is well known .
26 The thickness of the Mesozoic is taken to be 1.3 km , with 0.3 km erosion during the Cenozoic .
27 A duration of 0 inhibits the facility from being run while a duration exceeding the repeat time or a repeat time of 0 is taken to be continuous running .
28 In the general problem , however , it is only the background region I that is taken to be flat , and regions II and III , as well as IV , are curved .
29 If the annual quantity of net deployed within all North Pacific fisheries in a 6-month season is taken to be 3–5 million k ( about 2–3 million miles ) , the total possible deaths of marine mammals would be about 100,000–181,500 .
30 Virtually everywhere today , democracy is taken to be synonymous with some kind of representative system .
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