Example sentences of "be given [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 On the second visit Mr. Burgess was given instructions different from those he had been given on the first visit .
2 The prizewinner was presented with a cup , which had been given for the first time in 1987 .
3 He hated untidiness and waste ; he thought that babies who threw things from their cradles should be punished , and children who would n't eat their food should be starved until they ate what they had been given in the first place . ’
4 Now these represent two lectures on group processes that 're given to the first year social psychology students at Aston .
5 The prize will be given to the first correct entry ( which should be sent to by ) and we 'll print the answers in the next issue .
6 The guide provides three simple checklists of what information should be given at the first appointment , during and at the end of the case .
7 Chemotherapy consisted of four week cycles of intravenous leucovorin ( 200 mg/m/day ) followed by 5-fluorouracil ( 550 mg/m/day ) and cisplatin ( 20 mg/m/day ) , each drug being given on the first four days of the cycle .
8 It is given to the first child , through no fault of its own , to disrupt what has been an exclusive , reciprocal relationship as no subsequent child has power to do .
9 ( In the USA priority is given to the first to invent , not the first to file . )
10 The name " Pentateuch " is given to the first five books of the Bible .
11 Responsibility for drafting the bill and printing is borne by the Member although financial assistance is given to the first ten members and drafting assistance is given to any member whose bill appears to have a chance of becoming law .
12 Where notification is given at the first stage , but not in accordance with the procedures laid down for the first stage , you shall not be disentitled to SSP for that day for that reason only .
13 Payment of the disturbance allowance at the Yorkshire Bank is also made in two equal instalments ; one is given on the first available salary pay day after the move to the new house , the other is paid when the bank receives the proceeds of the sale of the employee 's old house .
14 More detail is given for the first part on document preparation systems as this has been developed into the HyperCard system described below .
15 There is a restriction on the allowance for the car if it costs more than £12,000 , and only 25 per cent writing down allowance is given in the first year .
16 This new pregnancy is monitored throughout the nine months , and added support is given throughout the first months of the new baby 's life .
17 In France the post of Secretary of State for War was given for the first time to a soldier ( the Maréchal de Belle-Isle ) in 1758 ; and in the second half of the century there was a slow but steady tendency for the most important officials concerned , the intendants d'armées and the contrôleurs des guerres , to be military men .
18 Edrophonium was given to the first 21 patients referred with non-cardiac chest pain .
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