Example sentences of "be over and the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , when the forty days of mourning a death are over and the women in the family who have foregone food or combing their hair can start a normal life again , it is their female friends and sisters who cook for them and comb and oil their hair .
2 It possesses no clear Coda , no signal that the events of the narrative are over and the narrator is , so to speak , giving up the floor .
3 Whatever , once the battles were over and the cacique 's tribe had won , the man made Balboa a gift — a quantity of gold ornaments so gaudy and so valuable that squabbling broke out among the Spaniards as to who should have which piece , how much the minor colonial leaders should get , how much Balboa himself should receive .
4 It is four months before Stig is well enough to walk properly , and by then winter is over and the race has passed , with Odd-Knut making the top ten but no higher because of the loss .
5 However , when the summer is over and the bothy is left with 200 whisky bottles , each sporting a candle stump in the neck , their usefulness has to be questioned .
6 Addressing a seminar on ‘ 500 Years of Evangelisation in the Americas ’ , held prior to WACC 's Central Committee meeting , Mr McKay stressed that ‘ the era of mission is over and the experience of healing must begin' .
7 It is vital to check the actual flying speed the instant the side-slip is over and the ASI is back in normal operation .
8 SO THE US Presidential Election is over and The Dick Nixons are grieving once more .
9 Merchant bank Morgan Grenfell says the honeymoon is over and the implications for building societies could be serious .
10 Now we know what the political masters of the multi-national force in the Gulf intend to do with the Middle East , once the war with Iraq is over and the Saddam Hussein regime , along with its creator , has been eliminated .
11 Hazel Hickson hopes referrals will increase now Newham 's strike is over and the department returns to normal .
12 Even if it were true that the war is over and the Serbs have won , victory will not bring stability to Bosnia & Hercegovina .
13 His task is to provoke and stimulate , and it is completed once the lesson is over and the point has been grasped .
14 Whether that intention of Mrs will continue once this case is over and the plaintiff is awarded damages of the size involved here , or whether an alternative beneficiary will be found , can not be certain .
15 Paradoxically , the arguments in favour of higher taxes which brought the euphoria to an end have also been directly strengthened by a growing feeling of confidence that the recession is over and the start of a recovery is imminent , so that the economy can now stand some tougher treatment from the Chancellor .
16 At last the formal part of the proceedings is over and the recruits are united with their friends and relations .
17 The little knots of people that formed as usual outside the church after Mass was over and the bells were tumbling out their soft dismissal song had plenty to discuss .
18 When evening came , or rather when lousing-time came ( lousing-time was when the day 's work was over and the horses were loosened from the yoke ) , they were then handed over more or less to us children .
19 The rain was over and the night was now clear .
20 The girls took advantage of the boys ' sudden inability to catch or shoot and before long the game was over and the girls won 12–8 .
21 Tipperary were to see controversies eventually over the waste disposal habits of the mining companies , but these controversies arose after the mining was over and the companies had packed their bags and gone .
22 However , it turned out to be a very relaxed meeting , so much so that when the private session was over and the press were invited in to take photographs , the Prince said to the Pope , ‘ Let me introduce you to my press corps . ’
23 Damn Miles for wanting the information suppressed until the crisis was over and the shock could be minimized .
24 The city was just recovering from one of the usual bouts of plague which come in late winter ; its citizens , however , sensed the worst was over and the streets buzzed like an overturned hive .
25 In 1649 the war was over and the king executed , but that summer a surprising turn of events took place in the Fens .
26 The immediate strike threat was over and the union had demonstrated its ability to control the men ; the formal establishment of the National Maritime Board remained .
27 I realised that once the tour of the assembly area was over and the lunch began my chances of nosing around would be minimal .
28 When the meal was over and the tables had been cleared of everything except the wine and the cups , one of the Altun stood up .
29 By 1818 , when the War of Independence was over and the Republican Revolution can be said to have been won , America had rejected both the Crown and religious establishment , and had accepted a creed that granted religious toleration and the ‘ natural rights of man ’ .
30 The ‘ false dawn of courtesy ’ was over and the pupils really did accept each other .
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