Example sentences of "be there [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're there for one reason and one reason only I know , cos I 've been involved in fox hunting , I 've shot and fished but I 'll tell you something , was also trained to hunt humans , going back many years ago , when I was in the Falkland Islands training for the event that happened eventually .
2 So they 're there for three years ?
3 You 're there for three days and and Sunday night .
4 Some of them you do n't have to do each week because they 're there from previous work on , on the site .
5 because I 'm charged exactly the same whether I 'm there for three hours or twenty minutes !
6 Because it 's there 's if I 'm there for three weeks and they only want a score card done then my potential earnings er total earnings are that but I 'm there anyway so if I 'm getting both of them done then I can earn a lot more money .
7 We might have gone on for years like that — me combing the streets for you while pretending to be there on other business !
8 Among the guests the Mamounia while the Shah was settling in were Henry , Count of Paris , the pretender to the French crown , who was finishing his memoirs there ; the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole , then a member of the coalition government of Rhodesia , but soon , like the Shah , to be swept away by revolution and Hassans friend , former King Simeon of Bulgaria , who was reported to be there on some business .
9 Italy are going to be defending their territory , they 've got all these teams in their country , and like , some of them ; England , Holland , German , they 're going to like be there on Italian sort of territory and they do n't want that , they 're going to be , there 's going to be trouble I think .
10 This house was to be Lovat 's Brigade H.Q and it appeared that we were going to be there on high ground for some time .
11 ‘ I can be there at odd times .
12 You must go and look , claim them , be there at any discussions .
13 He knew that he would make his way towards the tannery , and hoped that the woman — he had never asked her name — would be there at this hour .
14 And er it was salted and then For a few days , and then it was put in what we called brine , s more salt , and covered and it would be there for six weeks .
15 Well , I 'm afraid it could be there for six months !
16 Anyway , I hope that Spare Rib always continues to be there for all women , and some of us do appreciate the entertaining , interesting and informative magazine Spare Rib is .
17 Good fully booked till one thirty in the afternoon , so there 's , there 's no point , we 'll only be there for two hours . .
18 Ken wanted to rake David to this thing on his own and David , being very , very cold — he hates demonstrations of emotion — and me being very Mediterranean , I told him that as far as I was concerned , I did n't give a fuck about his award or seeing him receive it , but I thought it was a bit much that his mother could n't be there because it was a public occasion and it was a time when , without having to speak to her , he could be nice to her , as every mother loves to be there for that kind of thing .
19 But perhaps the greatest satisfaction is the knowledge that you have created something of the beauty that is going to be there for many years .
20 I expect to be there for 2 years .
21 We were calling at Ness to embark the main party with their stores and hoped to be there for high water .
22 It appeared that we were going to be there for some time .
23 Which must mean that he intends to be there for some time .
24 I was now in my twenty-seventh year on the island , and I did not want to be there for another year .
25 I doubt you 're going to be there for three days though .
26 We expect to be there from 12–12.30 assuming the chippy is not to much of a detour first .
27 We can be there in two hours . ’
28 Probably he could dodge the twenty coppers in ten cars that would be there in five minutes , and get clear away .
29 She 'd be there in good time herself , given half a chance , to eat their game pies and their plum cakes and drink their wine , to stand by their log fires to warm herself .
30 I may not move as fast as you , but we 'll be there in good time .
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