Example sentences of "be good [noun sg] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 James 's improved scores are good news for all Britain 's surrogate Santas who were persuaded to buy computer games for their children .
2 Here , high interest rates and lowish inflation are good news for all those depositors my editor took for granted .
3 He 'll be good company for that kid of Connon 's .
4 We think that even that extra price would be good value for many consumers , in terms both of peace of mind and of security against the real risk of serious money troubles .
5 And that will be good news for all waterway users .
6 This will not be good news for those banks left with the bad debts .
7 There may also be good news for those who ca n't afford the average £70 cross-Channel fare for a car and five adults .
8 Thus results from passive avoidance and imprinting might begin to converge , which should be good news for both labs .
9 As we shall see in a subsequent chapter there is good evidence for this optimism .
10 There is good provision for all manner of recreation .
11 This is good news for all women who have been unsuccessful with hip and thigh diets that concentrate mainly on dieting and calorie-counting .
12 This is good news for all because with a few modifications hopefully on the same car I may be in with a chance for first prize next year where the prize money increases plus a trip to the States to see their ‘ Sound Off Championships ’ .
13 BEHIND the war of words over their respective performances , there is good news for all three ferry operators on the Ulster-Scotland sea-route .
14 ‘ This is good news for all those living in and around the Donaghadee Road who have had to revert to drinking bottled water , because the water was not fit to be drunk , ’ said Mr Lennon .
15 THERE is good news for those blazered types who used to go on ocean cruises and play blustery games of deck golf , hitting balls into the briny .
16 All of which is good news for those who travel back here year after year , but disappointing for those who find out about Bellagio too late and ca n't book it for love nor money …
17 That is good news for those which claim to identify hidden structures and forces , although this itself does nothing to tell us how to justify such a claim .
18 In Protestant history there is good precedent for such opposition to bans .
19 There is good reason for this .
20 There is good reason for this ; at its best , the teaching situation takes on much of the character of the research process , with an open dialogue between the students and teacher , the teacher being the first among equals .
21 I here is good reason for this , because the internal dialogue is by definition a dialogue within the individual ; and that , I am arguing , is the essence of higher education .
22 Thus , a theory of the tides based on the moon 's attraction was good science for Newtonians but bordered on occult mysticism for Galileo , whilst in contemporary society , Marx 's theory of historical change is good science for some and propaganda for others .
23 HERE 'S good news for all those who shed a tear on election night for Ian Grist , the debonair Welsh Tory Minister who lost his seat at Cardiff Central .
24 If they did consent , and accepted the money — it was good pay for this area — they wandered off before he had half finished , not wanting to be classed as figures of fun like him .
25 There was good reason for this : when Government ministers want to test opinion in a particular sector , they normally turn to a single trade body , such as the National Farmers Union , the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders , or the Retail Consortium .
26 Ben Mkapa , then editor of the two party daily newspapers , argued in 1967 that there was good reason for this .
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