Example sentences of "be those who have [been] " in BNC.

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1 SUICIDE was thought damnable in the Middle Ages , and I expect there are those who have been brought to feel by a book called The Monument that the Middle Ages had a point .
2 Even acute fear of dentistry may be more than just fear of the drill : California dentist James Rota says that women who are most frightened of dentists are those who have been sexually molested as children .
3 The only people who are likely to experience extended periods of spontaneous regression are those who have been practising deep meditation over a prolonged period of time and have reached a high degree of competence in this field .
4 These are those who have been unemployed longest , and generally speaking are very young claimants with few skills , or older workers who , by the length of this unemployment , have been de-skilled .
5 The only people who will go for a pub will be those who have been made redundant from their jobs and will consider taking leases .
6 The people who will suffer most will be those who have been hit so hard already by the attempted dismantling of the welfare state .
7 If however I had to single out one particular group of teachers to whom I hope the book will appeal , it is those who have been in the profession for about five to ten years .
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