Example sentences of "be those [pron] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People seem to think we are getting rid of all the books but the only ones we have done away with are those which had been hidden away unused for many years . ’
2 Such principles are those which have been worked out by the larger society , not doctors alone , and which embody the moral , philosophical , and spiritual assumptions of that society .
3 Firstly , the land forces units shown here are those which have been deployed in full or in significant part .
4 In opposition to the above studies are those which have been carried out by anthropologists , who have applied traditions more central to that discipline .
5 The Rules of the Fire Offices ' Committee and the Fire Offices ' Committee of Ireland for the Construction of Buildings are those which have been adopted by the Insurance companies , members of the Committee , for the classification of buildings and are based on two grades of construction .
6 Specific topics being addressed are those which have been suggested as a possible legacy of the dispute , such as irreconcilable bitterness between former working and former striking miners and their families in a ‘ split ’ community ; permanent disaffection from the police and from the institutions of legal and political authority as a whole as a result of experiences within striking communities ; and changing family relationships as a result of the mobilization of women during the dispute .
7 The cars which do , are those which have been produced in collaboration with Honda .
8 SUICIDE was thought damnable in the Middle Ages , and I expect there are those who have been brought to feel by a book called The Monument that the Middle Ages had a point .
9 Even acute fear of dentistry may be more than just fear of the drill : California dentist James Rota says that women who are most frightened of dentists are those who have been sexually molested as children .
10 The only people who are likely to experience extended periods of spontaneous regression are those who have been practising deep meditation over a prolonged period of time and have reached a high degree of competence in this field .
11 These are those who have been unemployed longest , and generally speaking are very young claimants with few skills , or older workers who , by the length of this unemployment , have been de-skilled .
12 The vines must not be suffering from any disease , nor should the leaves be those which have been distorted by herbicides .
13 The only people who will go for a pub will be those who have been made redundant from their jobs and will consider taking leases .
14 The people who will suffer most will be those who have been hit so hard already by the attempted dismantling of the welfare state .
15 If however I had to single out one particular group of teachers to whom I hope the book will appeal , it is those who have been in the profession for about five to ten years .
16 to the extent to which regard should be had to the range of awards in other cases which are comparable such cases should as a rule be those which have been determined in the same jurisdiction or in a neighbouring locality where similar social , economic and industrial conditions exist .
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